New Member
Gato_Solo said:The AP usually sends out the whole story, and not just the parts that folks want to hear. If there are other wintesses, that have different stories, then they would be in the article as well. Perhaps if the original poster gave us the link, we could see for ourselves.
Pepper Spray Incident AP News Release
In a perfect world we would hear unbiased reporting at all times.
From this page of Feudalism: alias American Capitalism:
For the most part, reporters are told what stories to cover and usually even how to cover them. The stories are biased before the reporter even leaves his desk. In any event, editors have plenty of opportunities to influence the emphasis or coloration of a news item before it hits the news anchorperson's desk.
Granted, the topic of that particular passage was from a chapter on "Manipulation of the Media" in re: investigative journalism responsibilities (if I understood it correctly), but it still applies as a testament to the commonality of manipulation of news stories by media outlets.