Cellphones & Driving

Do you use a cellphone while driving?

  • Yes. I think I can drive as well as when I'm not talking on the phone.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes. I know it's dangerous but I do it anyway.

    Votes: 6 35.3%
  • No way Jose.

    Votes: 9 52.9%
  • None of your $#@% business.

    Votes: 2 11.8%

  • Total voters


New Member
Alright, who talks on their cellphone while they're driving? Do you use a headset? Speakerphone? Hold the phone in your hand?

I have to do weekend support for my Help Desk every three weeks or so and have a Nextel. I refuse to answer it when I'm driving and will pull over to get the voice mail. I was criticized for taking too long to return a phone call but it was while I was on a highway and I wasn't about to pull over on the shoulder to answer it. Too damn dangerous. So I told them what they could do with their criticisms. ;)

So should it be outlawed everywhere? Don't see what the big deal is about?
Generally, only on the open road. If it rings while in town I make it quick.

DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME. I am a professional.
Most of the people who call me will usually know when I'm going to be on the road, and so will not call without a damn good reason. With that in mind, I do not normally use it while driving. If it is someone who I know knows I'm on the road, I'll pick it up, ask if it's an emergency, and if the answer is anything but an urgent-sounding "Yes" or blood-curdling screams then I'll hang up.

I'm still a newbie driver and don't have enough money to get my hands on a hands-free system yet. It's not the 2nd hand I need, cause I can and often do drive with one hand unless it's busy out, but it's the distraction of opening the phone, thinking, talking, and closing the phone that worries me. It's the same way with my radio, my air conditioner, etc. With my focus divided between the road and something else, I may not see the bastard that runs a stoplight and broadsides me, or I may miss a turn, or I may run a stoplight myself. (I've done that a couple times :eek:)
I don't use a cellphone. I have an answering machine. If I'm not home, I'll get back to you when I do get home.
This is probably my number one pet peeve....I HATE when people drive while talking on a cel. I had an idiot pull right out in front of me from a Mcdonalds parking lot the other day because he wasn't paying attention to fuckall except his conversation...:cuss: I leaned on the horn and rode his bumper for 4 blocks so he couldn't hear or be heard...I do that whenever I see a cel to a drivers head now. Waiting at a light and someone pulls up with a cell to their head? Time for the horn... :devious:

Sorry na...I know you do this but you need to stop. People are dying because of it....
while on the topic of "phones", another major pet peeve of mine is when my employees give their work number out to their friends. As a supervisor/manager, this is wrong because:
1. You are at WORK. You're being paid to do what you were hired to do, NOT chit chat on the phone.
2. It's rude. It gives the store employees and the store itself a bad image
3. Can't you discuss your plans for the day before or after you came into work?
My other phone had speakerphone which allowed me to use it while driving. This one does not, so I tend not to answer unless I know who is calling and for what reason (ie, to pick something up or directions or whatever). I was going to buy a headset for it today but I forgot. Thanks for reminding me. :p
CydCharisse said:
Are you the one that keeps calling and then hangs up as soon as I say "hello"?
No, that would be me. :blush:

Sorry about that too, I'm new to this phone sex thing and that's as long as it takes so far. Someday I hope to work my way up to Thank you.
PuterTutor said:
No, that would be me. :blush:

Sorry about that too, I'm new to this phone sex thing and that's as long as it takes so far. Someday I hope to work my way up to Thank you.

there should be some sort of electronic device built into the ignition system that disables cell phones while the motor is running. that way, people would have no choice but to stop to use them.
99 gazllion cell phones on the road & a couple of accidents & you people are ready to ban 'em. :rolleyes:

People don't need cell phones to be bad drivers.
i dont think they should be banned. they do have their usefulness. like ordering the pizza to pick up on your way home.
I log about 85,000 miles a year in my truck...not counting the 6-wheeler or my personal vehicles. Believe me, cell phones aren't the problem.
oh i agree. around here, they hold a piece of glass under your nose. if you fog it up more than once, you can get a license.