Don't like cell phones. Had one for six months (it was a 'gift'
) and the only time I used it was when I was already near a phone and realized that I hadn't used up my monthly limits yet. I can see their usefulness for some people -- but frankly, NO ONE needs to be able to reach me 24/7... I have answering machines at home and at work that I check when I damn well feel like it. And if I'm out of town, there's no WAY I want to talk to anyone, anyhow. I'm trying to have fun, for crying out loud!
As for the idiots talking on them while they're driving, I'm not sure their driving skills are all that hot anyway. If they weren't on the phone they'd be eating, reading a newspaper, singing with their eyes closed. It may be some sort of inability to focus on the task at hand: driving.
Seems to me most people use them to make up for bad planning. You had to wait until you were in the supermarket to ask what to buy? don't you live in that house too? and please, the 20 people in line here at the post office are TRULY not interested in your weekend plans...