Central Europe´s pissing me off..



Central Europe's pissing me off..

Central Europe's pissing me off.

Okay. It's Saturday. Perfect.. I get a break (if that's what you want to call it) from taking crap the other geniuses, where I get to stay home and wonder where all the intellectuals have gone in the world today, and why they all happened to be scattered to far apart throughout the planet. But no, that won't happen. Today's going to be different. It's 6 a.m., the usual time I wake up.

No bother though, I'm already awake.

I brush my teeth, take a shower, and decide to take a break from the HTML, VBasic, and RPG programming and decide to chill, watching a few music videos maybe. Click. Music channel one. MTVEurope. What's this? Some crap video that's being played once every 20 minutes all because some busty French girls have no opinion of their own of what good taste in music should be. (Not that I'm trying to define 'good music', I'm just supporting independent thought). Anyway, MTVe is just like MTV in America. Promotion of trendiness and the upbuilding of a singular consciousness. Ah well. Click. Music channel two. TMF. Same shit. Ah well. So much for that. Maybe I'll go for a walk.

It's 12:00. The sun's out, it's summer time. Flowers are blooming, like the do year-round in this country.. petals carpet the floor..kids riding around on bicycles..ah. Perfection. But God damnit.. some German kids are snickering at me. "Yeah, let's all point and laugh at that fat kid!" Jeez, I can understand seeing someone of darker skin pigmentation for the first time up close, but damn. Maybe I just have bad karma. I'll just ignore them and enjoy and weather.. but what's this? Ugh! Dog crap.. everywhere. And I just happened to step in the greenest, most corn-filled pile of k9 feces in this entire town. I keep forgetting.. everyone here owns at least to dogs. Why do I have to adapt to a country I never wanted to live in? Maybe it's my aura. Maybe it's cause I have bad karma. Maybe it's cause I'm black, hell, I don't know. But who cares.. I'll just go see what my "friends" are up to.

It's 14:00 and I can guess where all of the other Americans are. Either,
A: Out at some club, getting drunk and aroused
B: At a Dutch motel/hotel, filling out their lustful desires
C: Chillin' at the cemetary, sharing a dime bag, which would cost $10 in the US. But here? Psh.. $1.50 tops.

And why? Just because it's legal. I don't feel like getting anyone pregnant. I don't feel like getting high. I would enjoy dancing and having a little fun for once.. but that would involve socializing. And I'm "anti-social". So that would go against the grain, now wouldn't it?

Ah well. It's not the end of the world. It's 16:00. A cool breeze is settling in, and I haven't touched my computer at all today. It's a new record. Good job, me! So, now what? I've got on a new pair of shoes.. I'm fighting an urge to set the houses of narrow-minded German kids aflame.. but I've adapted to supressing my emotions. No biggy. I might as well check the mail.

So now, by the time I'm done recouperating from this bit of information, it's 19:00. The sun has set, and it's a full, bright moon. I love it.. it's relaxing really. I'll just go back to my room, open up the curtains, and bathe in the pale moonlight, intaking the cool breeze and "fresh" air. But..-Aw, God damn dogs. My second pair of shoes, screwed up royally this time by a big-ass blob of dog crapola. Seriously, what kind of pet owner allows their dog to shit in the middle of a street? Damn crackheads.. I hate this country. I'd much rather have people in America point the finger at me because I'm fat, knowing that deep down inside, they're only following a crowd.

These kids here are downright evil.. and coming from someone like me, who has no conscience whatsoever, that deserves deeper thought.
So now, I'm walking home. Down a shit-filled street. With some pale-ass punks pointing and snickering at "de shadow" walking by, with the future of me and my best friend, and knowing that no matter how hard I try to "fit in" with these people, I'll never *truly* feel like getting drunk and partying or getting a piercing or raving.. it's just not me. So what's a guy to do? The same thing he's been doing for the past 5 years. Lock himself in a walk-in closet with a 200mhz computer and a phone jack. God.. I belong in cyberspace. But what's this?
I think he may be in Holland. Fuck knows though... very cryptic. :hmm:

They feed their dogs corn?


If you are in The Netherlands some time, s4, come and visit me there :D

I live near Rotterdam... a wortless city, but they have a lot of places with lots of alcohol :headbang:
And so, after a few hours Rotterdam gets better and better until it entirely dissapears....and then you wake up the next day with this expression on your face: :confuse3: <- where the hell am I?
yeah we'll have to go out an do the town the next time i am in the Netherlands :D :headbang: :headbang:
it's too bad they don't have a road to get there. i hear God Almighty has a bus and we could road trip. :headbang: