Cereal is GOD

WRONG! I am GOD ALMIGHTY. Cereal is a collection of wheat, rice, corn, sugars, dyes, flavorings, et cetera. Do not make ME vaporize you, tarez. *Tapping foot impatiently for an apology for indiscretions.* :biker:
you know what cereal is absophreakinglutely nasty?


somebody oughta shoot the dude that made that nasty shit up ... *ugh*
Originally posted by outside looking in
Sounds like an interesting kid. ;)

He is .. I bitch a lot about him and my other kids but they could be punk-ass non-respecting of others kinds of kids ... it's all good .. I actually have really great kids :)

*hands the God dude a valium*
Originally posted by ris
i hear justin has marmite on toast every day he lurves it soooo much! :D

yes, then i go and hurl, i only eat it cause i am watching my figure :eek:

i like sweet stuff, anything with chocolate, sugar, frosting is my bestest bestest friend :D
Blah Blah Blah @ God

You hold no power here in the cereal discussion, Ceral is GOD in this instance, hahaha take you power else where where you actually have believers!

Originally posted by nalani
I love cereal .... Honeycomb is one of my favorites ... but I have to be careful with cereal in my house cause I have one of the cereal police living there.

My son goes apeshit if someone opens a box of cereal when there's already an open box. I'm serious. Apeshit. It's even worse if there's a gallon of milk in the fridge and it's close to the expiration date and no one's drinking it. Then there's the empty water container syndrome. If you dare leave the container of water in the fridge with just a cup of water in it, he'll be all over your ass .... if you think that's bad, try being the person who does a combination of or all of those things .... dang!

Think I'm kidding? Ask ku'u ... she'll tell you the hell that is my 15 year old son :D

Nan's right. I thought I almost gave her son a heart attack when I told him I had THREE boxes of open cereal in my house :eek:

Cracklin' Oat Bran is yummy - even though everyone tells me it looks like dog food.
Originally posted by tarez
Blah Blah Blah @ God

You hold no power here in the cereal discussion, Ceral is GOD in this instance, hahaha take you power else where where you actually have believers!

Does the term "IP Ban" mean anything to you? :biker:
RD 1

God because you are god you get to move first

We must battle like true warriors, your choice of weapons :D
God will choose Fire & Tempest or death by holy fart inhalation. You don't stand a chance.

brimstone is a popular favourite too, you wanna watch out for them falling burning rocks.