Cervical Cancer Grades


New Member
I'm not having much luck online with this, so I was wondering if someone could please list the cervical cancer grades and what level they are, eg. low, moderate, high? My mother has a grade 2 and I'm trying to see how severe that is - any help would be appreciated, thanks.


Well-Known Member
BoP, if you hop over to www.racebuds.com you'll find kat2220. She's a member here too, but doesn't check here often. She's there daily. She's got a bottomless knowledge of cancer resources. I highly recommend hooking up with her.


Kissy Goddess
Bummer, BoP. However, catching it at Stage 2 offers more hope than if it were more advanced. I had advanced Stage 1 and I'm fine :)


Well-Known Member
Yep two is nearly like missing the bullet.

4 and above is

so sorry charlie

Me mommy had it, they caught it at stage 2
and she lived another 39 years.


New Member
That's kinda what I thought winky - I just wanted to check it on an online resource so I could email it to her.

<edit> oh, you're talking about stages too. I'm after cancer grades.


New Member
Nevermind - found the info :

The stage of a cancer describes its size and whether it has spread beyond its original site. Knowing the extent of the cancer and the grade helps the doctors to decide on the most appropriate treatment.

The stages of cervical cancer are described below:

Stage 1 The cancer cells are only within the cervix.

Stage 2 The tumour has spread into surrounding structures such as the upper part of the vagina or tissues next to the cervix.

Stage 3 The tumour has spread to surrounding structures such as the lower part of the vagina, nearby lymph nodes, or tissues at the sides of the pelvic area. Sometimes a tumour that has spread to the pelvis may press on one of the ureters (the tubes through which urine passes from the kidneys to the bladder). If the tumour is causing pressure on the ureter there may be a build up of urine in the kidney.

Stage 2 or 3 tumours may be called locally advanced cervical cancer.

Stage 4 The tumour has spread to the bladder or bowel or beyond the pelvic area. This stage includes tumours that have spread into the lungs, liver or bone, although these are not common.

If the cancer comes back after initial treatment this is known as recurrent cancer.

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Grading refers to the appearance of the cancer cells under the microscope. The grade gives an idea of how quickly the cancer may develop. There are three grades: grade 1 (low grade), grade 2 (moderate grade) and grade 3 (high grade). Low grade means that the cancer cells look very like the normal cells of the cervix. They are usually slowly growing and less likely to spread. In high-grade tumours the cells look very abnormal. They are likely to grow more quickly and are more likely to spread.



New Member
Yeah, now that I've managed to elicit the bare boned facts from her (beyond her normal hypochondriac run-down), she's a stage 1, waiting for a biopsy. Looks like I ain't managed to get rid of the old bag just yet. :lol:


Well-Known Member
and she is post menopausal too Right?

That was actually the worst part of the whole thing
for my Mom. She had hot flashes and ERT pills for years
afterward. Sure beats being croaked though...