Challenging the standard...

Wow, you're really running out of excuses now.

Traditionally women couldn't vote, people kept slaves, and witches were burned. Intelligence finally prevailed.

You'll love this clip.
Traditionally, people who voiced opposition to their leaders and advocated comfort for the enemy in time of war were tried and convicted of treason and put to death. My my how traditions have changed...
from the china imports thread
More and more Officials here seem to be trying to 'turn' the US into a 3rd world type.
Why can't some of them see that we have a system, and laws in place to prevent this.
Why do they keep trying to tear down our safe-guards on this, and other things?

Some 'traditions' aren't just tradition for the sake of tradition, they actually solved problems.
Traditionally, people who voiced opposition to their leaders and advocated comfort for the enemy in time of war were tried and convicted of treason and put to death. My my how traditions have changed...

Then America was founded and people who questioned leaders who were bolstering the enemy were able to be heard.
Then America was founded and people who questioned leaders who were bolstering the enemy were able to be heard.

aw come on spike let's let 'em have their power and authority fantasies. wonder what freud would say 'bout that...?

tiny pee pee, perhaps?
and after the laughter died down were they drawn and
quartered or tarred and feathered?