Change of Venue


Well-Known Member company decided that they needed to save some money:grinno:...and considering that Marketing and Advertising is obviously a waste of money :rolleyes:- they decided to cut the whole department. *handonhip

So...I'm out of work and hunting again. Joy!

Wish me luck!
Just been there did that...

On the new job - the best part is the lies & half-truths they tell you to get you in the door only to find the truth later. Get all your questions answered, clearly & completely, prior to accepting the position.
*runs faster*
*finds a handy slush-bank*

Aw..I can't do it.

*pays someone else to push Leslie into said slush-bank*
Move to Alberta, tons of jobs out there. You know employers are having a hard time finding employees when an Applebee's goes to the local highschool to recruit workers and the 7-11 by the airport is offering a $700 hiring bonus.
Alberta's nice, and I have family in Edmonton...but I like MOntreal too much to up and move.
*runs faster*
*finds a handy slush-bank*

Aw..I can't do it.

*pays someone else to push Leslie into said slush-bank*

I feel like a whore ... but heh!:bgpimp:

*pushes the evil one down the soggy cold bank...*

How you paying Bish? I wanna see the money up front! :bgpimp:

... heh, good luck.

*throws bottle of brandy at leslie ...just feels awful when it accidently hits her a glancing blow on the noggin!* :bgpimp:

Wotcha! xx ;)
Man, everyday that passes I realize more and more how lucky I am to find such an amazing employer.