
The company found me somewhere to live, I'm sitting in the livingroom right now and it's awesome.

I know nothing about the city, a friend of a friend is gonna show me around a bit on the weekend, my co-workers are also gonna show me around.

I didn't bring much stuff, it's a furnished place.

Monday is my first day of work but I'm going in tomorrow to meet people and have lunch. I have never met any of them before.

I'm only commited to being here for 6 months at this point in time. I've commited to that and will live through that, if I like it I'll stay longer.

I have no intention of leaving the company.
Yeah, come on, you must have brought a digital camara... where's the pics? Just one question... who's paying the rent?

Not much stuff huh? Sounds like some shopping trips are in order. :D
PIctures will follow when i'm unpacked...right now I have a headache with a lot of pressure that I am nursing...

My company is paying the rent

Shopping trips ARE in order :D
Is it cold or warm there?

It's 6 right now. We woke up to -4, and by 10 it had warmed up to a balmy 0.
*is glad she doesn't live there*

I'm feel so cold since I lost weight. It's forecast 9C tonite and I'm sitting here dressed in vest, t-shirt, jumper and body warmer with a fluffy blanket over my knees and I'm still cold! I look like an eskimo when I go to bed. :eek:

I've asked for fluffy bedsocks for christmas... how the hell do you guys put up with being so thin?
hmmm looks like a missed a few posts...

Prof: What do you mean I'm not well adjusted? I think I should be offended by that!!

Les: When I first got here (so when you made that post) they were having a warm was above zero for the first 1.5 weeks or so I was here if I remember correctly...we just got out of a cold snap where it was a good 10 degrees or so colder than toronto at all it's warmed up a tad and it's -1 right now, I'm taking advantage of this "warm' weather to go to a car wash this afternoon.
If you only 'think' you should be offended, you're not, so don't go trying to be all put out about it. And of course you're not well adjusted. You're too smart by half, without the self conviction, scorn or cynicism needed to pull it off. Translated: you're still too innocent and trusting for your own good. But don't worry. It'll come with age. And we still love you anyways.
So, I have decided to make the move permanent, I told my boss on Wednesday and he literally did a happy dance, we sit down next week to hammer out details.