Charley Horses.....


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Anyone ever get these? And the what the hell is up with them?
I keep getting them in my feet and calves!!!
DUHHHH! just found this...
Leg cramps at night: What causes them?

What causes night leg cramps? What can you do about them? A muscle cramp is an involuntary, sustained tightening (contraction) of one or more of your muscles. It can result in intense pain and an inability to use the affected muscles. Night (nocturnal) leg cramps are contractions of the muscles usually in the back of the lower leg (calf). They often occur just as you're falling asleep or just as you're waking up.

The cause of night leg cramps isn't known. But some experts believe it may be due to abnormal processing of electrolytes — essential elements and chemical substances your body needs for basic functions — by muscles. Almost everyone has occasional night leg cramps. But they occur more often in:

Pregnant women
Older adults
People with diabetes
People with potassium loss or body fluid shifts, such as from diuretic medications
People with neuromuscular disorders, such as Parkinson's disease
If you do get a leg cramp, you may be able to make it go away by:

Walking on the affected leg
Massaging the affected muscle
Straightening your leg and flexing your foot toward your knee until you feel the calf muscles stretch
If you have frequent and severe night leg cramps, talk to your doctor. There are several treatment options — but results vary. Treatment may include:

Vitamin B-12, E or C supplements
Gabapentin (Neurontin)
Quinine, vitamin B-12 and gabapentin appear to be the most effective treatments based on current research.

Night leg cramps should be distinguished from another common cause of night leg discomfort called restless legs syndrome, a condition in which your legs have a creepy, crawly or fidgety sensation unless you move them. This sensation often gets worse as night approaches. Restless legs syndrome is a neurologic condition that requires different treatment

But, i get them not only at night, and its been more often lately they are coming on?????? :confused:
it'd be a good idea to see the doctor for this. might be a simple electrolyte imbalance. they might not be able to tell whats causing them but quinine and/or neurontin work wonders for persistant leg cramps. night just need to adjust the diet a tad too.
I get them a lot. Many different things can cause them.

I have found one thing that works quickly on them. I keep some Icy Hot by my bedside. If I get a bad one, I rub some on the cramp. In just a couple of minutes it'll let go. I highly recommend it.
i have muscles that lock up like that frequently, usually the arches of my feet or in my neck...once it happened on my head...that was a bizarre experience. i never really had them too much before so i am associating them with my line of work and stress.
hope yours get better soon, mare. leg cramps suck.
I get them at night every once in a while. They usually happen when I'm stretching and point my toes. They say you're not supposed to do that, rather to keep your feet flat. If you get them a lot, magnesium supplements might be useful. It's essential to good muscle health and, apparently, many of us are deficient in it and have no idea.
I only get them when it's cold.
Wear some socks or thermal pants.
abooja said:
I get them at night every once in a while. They usually happen when I'm stretching and point my toes. They say you're not supposed to do that, rather to keep your feet flat. If you get them a lot, magnesium supplements might be useful. It's essential to good muscle health and, apparently, many of us are deficient in it and have no idea.

YEAH, when i'm stretching or pointing my toes thats when I get them too.... :confused:
I got them a lot when I was pregnant with Alex, but so far I've only had a fewmild ones with this pregnancy.

The only advice I get is strech your legs, tense and release the muscles and walk around. Oh ya, and eat more nanas :nanabang: for the potassium.
I only really get 'em in my tootsies when I'm stretching, tho' I'll occasionally get it in my hip if the sex is too strenuous... My god, that's a bitch.
i used to get calf cramp-ups after playing rugby, even after a warm-down stretch. banana's used to sort them out a treat, one after excercise now means i've not been woken in about 8 years.