
My theory is if actual interaction with another person is involved it's cheating. Porn isn't cheating because there's not actual interaction...physical or emotional or anything...that said, if the porn becomes an obsession than I think it can cross the line into cheating, if the person is emotionally unavailable for the spouse as a result of the porn (or if the porn is prefered over the spouse).
all of these are my sentiments exactly ... so I'm gonna show him and say "I WIN!" hehehe
My theory is if actual interaction with another person is involved it's cheating. Porn isn't cheating because there's not actual interaction...physical or emotional or anything...that said, if the porn becomes an obsession than I think it can cross the line into cheating, if the person is emotionally unavailable for the spouse as a result of the porn (or if the porn is prefered over the spouse).

well, porn doesn't talk back...


You folks are are that there is now "interactive" porn, right?
It is most likely internet based, you talk to the guy/girl and he/she does what you tell him/her to do.

Jeez, english definitely lacks the neutral genre ;)
If you wouldn't do it in the presence of your 'other', it's cheating. Period.

well said!

and my fiance and i agreed to each other that if we wanted to be with someone else, we'd break up first. weve both been cheated on.

i cheated on an ex, but i was younger, and more stupid, and let me tell you, being cheated on puts things in a whole different perspective, so it's not something i can ever see myself doing again!
Louie I believe the word you were looking for was 'partner'.

How does interactive porn work? Is it like...Choose Your Own Adventure?

That worked up to a point with the Wife and then after that is was:

"there ain't no fricken way I'm doin' THAT!" ;) ;)
Thirty-seven percent of women and 40 percent of men cheated when there was a child in the home.

These are the ones that need drawn & quartered.