Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniques


Well-Known Member
Noting that Obama is cherry-picking the memos which have been released, Cheney wants all memos declassified and released which relate to the results of those interrogations. I'm sure that Obama will dedicate as much time and energy to that release as he has the release of his actual birth certificate.


Cheney Calls for Release of Memos Showing Results of Interrogation Efforts
Former Vice President Cheney says he knows how successful the interrogation techniques were in collecting intelligence for the United States and wants that information to be released to the public as well as the legal memos explaining the decision to allow the heavily criticized methods.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Now that the memos showing the rulings of interrogation techniques have been released, the Obama administration should release additional documents that show what the interrogations yielded to make it an "honest debate," former Vice President Dick Cheney told FOX News on Monday.

In an interview with FOX News' Sean Hannity aired on "Hannity" Monday night, Cheney questioned the point of releasing the legal decisions behind the interrogations but not the outcome of them.

"One of the things that I find a little bit disturbing about this recent disclosure is they put out the legal memos, the memos that the CIA got from the Office of Legal Counsel, but they didn't put out the memos that showed the success of the effort," Cheney said.

Cheney said he's asked that the documents be declassified because he has remained silent on the confidential information, but he knows how successful the interrogation process was and wants the rest of the country to understand.

"I haven't talked about it, but I know specifically of reports that I read, that I saw, that lay out what we learned through the interrogation process and what the consequences were for the country," Cheney said. "I've now formally asked the CIA to take steps to declassify those memos so we can lay them out there and the American people have a chance to see what we obtained and what we learned and how good the intelligence was."

Cheney says he doesn't find it surprising that he's still asked for his views on administrative policies and thinks it's appropriate for those with a different point of view to be able to express it -- and give the American people the ability to evaluate.

"It's important to not personally attack the new president -- I've never done that," said Cheney.

The former vice president says the biggest task he had was to protect the nation's security following 9/11 and to ensure such devastation would never happen again. He says many of the policies he set up are currently being dismantled by the Obama administration.

"There's a great temptation for a new administration to find a problem and blame it on the predecessor. We did it. The Obama administration is not the first one to do that," said Cheney.

Since his departure from the White House, Cheney says he's been concerned over the way the U.S. has been presented overseas and finds Obama's apologies to various countries "disturbing." He also feels Obama's "coziness" with America's opponents like Daniel Ortega and Hugo Chavez is not "helpful."

"Since the U.S. provides most leadership in the world, I don't think we have much to apologize for," said Cheney.

While he feels that a president needs to interact with adversaries, Cheney says it's important to distinguish between the good guys and bad guys. He says that the world will be quick to take advantage of a situation if they feel like they're dealing with a weak president.

"It's important the U.S. that we don't come off as arrogant -- but also important to not come across as weak, indecisive and apologetic," said Cheney.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq


Of course, the piece contains irrefutable facts but they are patently false due to this being an opinion piece from someone who was there and he is the wrong person from the wrong side of the debate. THAT is all that counts.


The CIA's Questioning Worked

By Marc A. Thiessen
Tuesday, April 21, 2009

In releasing highly classified documents on the CIA interrogation program last week, President Obama declared that the techniques used to question captured terrorists "did not make us safer." This is patently false. The proof is in the memos Obama made public -- in sections that have gone virtually unreported in the media.

Consider the Justice Department memo of May 30, 2005. It notes that "the CIA believes 'the intelligence acquired from these interrogations has been a key reason why al Qaeda has failed to launch a spectacular attack in the West since 11 September 2001.' . . . In particular, the CIA believes that it would have been unable to obtain critical information from numerous detainees, including [Khalid Sheik Mohammed] and Abu Zubaydah, without these enhanced techniques." The memo continues: "Before the CIA used enhanced techniques . . . KSM resisted giving any answers to questions about future attacks, simply noting, 'Soon you will find out.' " Once the techniques were applied, "interrogations have led to specific, actionable intelligence, as well as a general increase in the amount of intelligence regarding al Qaeda and its affiliates."

Specifically, interrogation with enhanced techniques "led to the discovery of a KSM plot, the 'Second Wave,' 'to use East Asian operatives to crash a hijacked airliner into' a building in Los Angeles." KSM later acknowledged before a military commission at Guantanamo Bay that the target was the Library Tower, the tallest building on the West Coast. The memo explains that "information obtained from KSM also led to the capture of Riduan bin Isomuddin, better known as Hambali, and the discovery of the Guraba Cell, a 17-member Jemmah Islamiyah cell tasked with executing the 'Second Wave.' " In other words, without enhanced interrogations, there could be a hole in the ground in Los Angeles to match the one in New York.

The memo notes that "nterrogations of [Abu] Zubaydah -- again, once enhanced techniques were employed -- furnished detailed information regarding al Qaeda's 'organizational structure, key operatives, and modus operandi' and identified KSM as the mastermind of the September 11 attacks." This information helped the intelligence community plan the operation that captured KSM. It went on: "Zubaydah and KSM also supplied important information about al-Zarqawi and his network" in Iraq, which helped our operations against al-Qaeda in that country.

All this confirms information that I and others have described publicly. But just as the memo begins to describe previously undisclosed details of what enhanced interrogations achieved, the page is almost entirely blacked out. The Obama administration released pages of unredacted classified information on the techniques used to question captured terrorist leaders but pulled out its black marker when it came to the details of what those interrogations achieved.

Yet there is more information confirming the program's effectiveness. The Office of Legal Counsel memo states "we discuss only a small fraction of the important intelligence CIA interrogators have obtained from KSM" and notes that "intelligence derived from CIA detainees has resulted in more than 6,000 intelligence reports and, in 2004, accounted for approximately half of the [Counterterrorism Center's] reporting on al Qaeda." The memos refer to other classified documents -- including an "Effectiveness Memo" and an "IG Report," which explain how "the use of enhanced techniques in the interrogations of KSM, Zubaydah and others . . . has yielded critical information." Why didn't Obama officials release this information as well? Because they know that if the public could see the details of the techniques side by side with evidence that the program saved American lives, the vast majority would support continuing it.

Critics claim that enhanced techniques do not produce good intelligence because people will say anything to get the techniques to stop. But the memos note that, "as Abu Zubaydah himself explained with respect to enhanced techniques, 'brothers who are captured and interrogated are permitted by Allah to provide information when they believe they have reached the limit of their ability to withhold it in the face of psychological and physical hardship." In other words, the terrorists are called by their faith to resist as far as they can -- and once they have done so, they are free to tell everything they know. This is because of their belief that "Islam will ultimately dominate the world and that this victory is inevitable." The job of the interrogator is to safely help the terrorist do his duty to Allah, so he then feels liberated to speak freely.

This is the secret to the program's success. And the Obama administration's decision to share this secret with the terrorists threatens our national security. Al-Qaeda will use this information and other details in the memos to train its operatives to resist questioning and withhold information on planned attacks. CIA Director Leon Panetta said during his confirmation hearings that even the Obama administration might use some of the enhanced techniques in a "ticking time bomb" scenario. What will the administration do now that it has shared the limits of our interrogation techniques with the enemy? President Obama's decision to release these documents is one of the most dangerous and irresponsible acts ever by an American president during a time of war -- and Americans may die as a result.

The writer, a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution, served in senior positions in the Pentagon and the White House from 2001 to 2009, most recently as chief speechwriter for President George W. Bush.

Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

cool. release them all.

you do realize that what was already released was based on an FOIA request, right mr. blame assignment specialist?
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

CIA Confirms: Waterboarding 9/11 Mastermind Led to Info that Aborted 9/11-Style Attack on Los Angeles

Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

Banned Techniques Yielded ‘High Value Information,’ Memo Says

WASHINGTON – President Obama’s national intelligence director told colleagues in a private memo last week that the harsh interrogation techniques banned by the White House did produce significant information that helped the nation in its struggle with terrorists.

Admiral Blair’s assessment that the interrogation methods did produce important information was deleted from a condensed version of his memo released to the media last Thursday. Also deleted was a line in which he empathized with his predecessors who originally approved some of the harsh tactics after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

Deleted. Why was it deleted?

How will Baghdad Bob Gibbs spin this?
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

It's funny with all the bitching from the cons about Obama releasing the memos that Cheney calls for more memos to be released. :laugh:

Good, more proof of the administrations law breaking. :thumbup:
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

Cheney calls 0bama's bluff.

0bamba has picked a fight with the wrong man.

"One of the things that I find a little bit disturbing about this recent disclosure is they put out the legal memos, the memos that the CIA got from the Office of Legal Counsel, but they didn't put out the memos that showed the success of the effort," Cheney said.

Cheney said he's asked that the documents be declassified because he has remained silent on the confidential information, but he knows how successful the interrogation process was and wants the rest of the country to understand.

"I haven't talked about it, but I know specifically of reports that I read, that I saw, that lay out what we learned through the interrogation process and what the consequences were for the country," Cheney said. "I've now formally asked the CIA to take steps to declassify those memos so we can lay them out there and the American people have a chance to see what we obtained and what we learned and how good the intelligence was.

CIA request noted
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

Cheney is an idiot. More proof of torture means more evidence of his crimes. :thumbup:

Like it.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

cheney's not an idiot. perhaps an asshole, but not an idiot.

hey, if torture works... carry on, boys... we can be just like saddam!
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

Obama could run intellectual circles around that moron Cheney. All Dicky-Poo knows is lies and deceptions anyway.

I don't think I have ever seen anyone as delusional as you Cerise, you might want to get that checked!
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

Oh I agree Cheney is an evil mastermind, but eventually lies catch up to a person, and Obama could probably cause him a heart attack with a witty remark or two.

I only call Cheney a moron in a comparative sense.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq


Who decided that the version released to the media last Thursday should be edited to favor the current administration??

Was it ToTUS?

Admiral Blair’s assessment that the interrogation methods did produce important information was deleted from a condensed version of his memo released to the media last Thursday. Also deleted was a line in which he empathized with his predecessors who originally approved some of the harsh tactics after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

Cheney is an idiot. More proof of torture means more evidence of his crimes. :thumbup:

Like it.

I believe the expression is, "I'd rather be hung for a sheep as a lamb"

Obviously he expects the "the ends justify the means" crowd to appreciate the success of those methods. After all, it's gotta be better to go down as a successful torturer than in incompetent one.

Frankly, I don't see what the big issue is. You liberals give up your constitutional rights daily in the name of safety and security. This is just more of the same.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

Frankly, I don't see what the big issue is. You liberals give up your constitutional rights daily in the name of safety and security. This is just more of the same.

That's the conservatives who do that. This is potentially illegal torture which is plainly anti-American.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

Please define Anti-American. That's a PC catch phrase who's meaning varies even more than Climate Change does. Last time I checked, being American was what was written in your bill of rights, nothing more, nothing less. Doesn't say anything in there about paying taxes, but there were TV ads recently about doing the American thing and paying them on time.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

Personally, I think we're a little too squeamish as a nation regarding things like torture and assassination. That said, if you're going to try to present yourself to the world at large as a morally superior society then you damned well shouldn't be doing any of it.

Oh, and Dick Cheney isn't really an evil mastermind, he just puts the interests of Dick Cheney ahead of the interests of anything else like, say, the nation.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

That's the conservatives who do that.

See, it's stupid shit like this that makes you look like a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. Every time someone posts something bad about a liberal, you always respond with this same thing.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

See, it's stupid shit like this that makes you look like a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. Every time someone posts something bad about a liberal, you always respond with this same thing.

Posting something bad about liberals doesn't make you sound like a mouthpiece for the Republican party it's pointing out that it replies more to conservatives is what makes you sound like a mouthpiece. That's just sound logic there Inkara.

It does apply more to conservatives Inkara plain and simple. Who's came up with the patriot act? Who started all the warrantless wiretapping? Who fought against habeas corpus? Who started detaining American citizens indefinitely without trials? Who started the torture programs? These things were mostly pushed by conservatives anxious to give up their rights in the ignorant belief they were getting safety and security in return.
Re: Cheney calls for release of all memos related to "enhanced" interrogation techniq

See, it's stupid shit like this that makes you look like a mouthpiece for the Democratic Party. Every time someone posts something bad about a liberal, you always respond with this same thing.

It's just a never ending cycle of imbecility. Ignoring it works pretty well though.