Cheney ignores Constitution and says he's not in Executive branch


New Member
Democratic senators on Sunday chided Vice President Dick Cheney for declaring his office exempt from sections of a presidential order involving matters of national security. Republicans, more cautiously, said the matter deserves review.

At issue is a requirement that executive branch offices provide data on how much material they classify and declassify. That information is to be provided to the Information Security Oversight Office at The National Archives.

The White House contends that Cheney is complying properly. They say the presidential order was not intended to treat the vice president's office as an executive branch "agency," and therefore Cheney's office is exempt from the reporting requirement.

"The vice president is saying he's above the law, and the fact of the matter is, legal scholars are going to say this is preposterous," said Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., called Cheney's move "the height of arrogance." She said it might not be a bad idea - as some other Democrats have suggested - that money for Cheney's office be held up until he decides whether or not he's in the executive branch.

"I find this just amazing," she said.

Sen. Trent Lott, R-Miss., countered that conflicts between the White House and Congress over jurisdictional bounds are not unusual.

"Let the courts decide if there's something wrong here," he said.

Attorney General Alberto Gonzales was asked in January to resolve the legal dispute, but he has not yet ruled on the issue.

The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, led by Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Calif, is investigating the matter.

"I don't think that the vice president, with all due respect to everyone, is saying that the law doesn't apply to him or that he's above the law," said Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, R-Texas. "I think there are some legal interpretations. We have to look at those."

Wyden and Hutchison spoke on CNN's "Late Edition." Feinstein and Lott appeared on "Fox News Sunday."
Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain...

Fine, if he's not part of the Executive Branch, then they can certainly stop funding his office. I'd say we need some clarification as to what part of the government his office does belong to before we go spending the good taxpayers money on it. In fact, he probably owes the government some money.
He is the government
the puppet master
He can do what ever he wants
He is your Gawd

now shaddup and pay attention to:
and what your front runner Billary is doing

Fine, if he's not part of the Executive Branch, then they can certainly stop funding his office. I'd say we need some clarification as to what part of the government his office does belong to before we go spending the good taxpayers money on it. In fact, he probably owes the government some money.

Nowhere does that article state that Cheney said those things. It does say that Cheney is in compliance with said order. I also notice that everybody formulating the opinion that the VP is above the law are Democrats. It's a man behind the curtain, alright, but which side is the puppetmaster?
Nowhere does that article state that Cheney said those things. It does say that Cheney is in compliance with said order. I also notice that everybody formulating the opinion that the VP is above the law are Democrats. It's a man behind the curtain, alright, but which side is the puppetmaster?

Pay attention. It says the White House contends he is in compliance, not that he actually is in compliance.

Why does the White House think he is compliance? Because they say he's not part of the executive branch.

Cheney's office argued it did not meet the definition of an executive branch agency and therefore was exempt.

Oh and you noticed it's the Democrats that have to point out that he's acting as if he's above the law and Constitution and the Republicans don't care? Tell me something new.
May have spoke too soon. Seems the GOP might be against Cheney too.

The big question right now among Republicans is how to remove Vice President Cheney from office. Even before this week's blockbuster series in The Post, discontent in Republican ranks was rising.

As the reputed architect of the war in Iraq, Cheney is viewed as toxic, and as the administration's leading proponent of an attack on Iran, he is seen as dangerous. As long as he remains vice president, according to this thinking, he has the potential to drag down every member of the party -- including the presidential nominee -- in next year's elections.
Pay attention. It says the White House contends he is in compliance, not that he actually is in compliance.

Why does the White House think he is compliance? Because they say he's not part of the executive branch.

Look. It says he's not an executive branch agency. Not that he isn't part of the executive branch.

spike said:
Oh and you noticed it's the Democrats that have to point out that he's acting as if he's above the law and Constitution and the Republicans don't care? Tell me something new.

No. I notice that the Democrats are stirring shit to stay in the news and look like they're actually doing something. Instead, we have this. Welcome to reality, dude. Pandering doesn't work for long, and people are growing weary of the attitudes of both sides. The Demcrats seem to think that by throwing up this nonsense, which is exactly what it is, it will distract the people from their failure to accomplish anything at all. Guess it worked on you though...
Gato, You're trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Don't waste your time. At least he didn't say that he'd invented the internet.

Gotta wonder why you people think that you need a retard as VP to make the Prez look smarter.
Gato, You're trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear. Don't waste your time. At least he didn't say that he'd invented the internet.

Not really. Its a semantics thing. An agency works for a branch. It usually is not a part of the branch. Kind of like the company you work for. I'm sure they have subcontractors that work for them. Besides. Its fun to use spike's logic against him. :p

Prof said:
Gotta wonder why you people think that you need a retard as VP to make the Prez look smarter.

To keep the public either amused or upset over nothing while more important things go unnoticed. Oooh, look. Paris Hilton...:rolleyes:
Look. It says he's not an executive branch agency. Not that he isn't part of the executive branch.

nor is it an "entity within the executive branch that comes into the possession of classified information,"

You believe that too? :laugh:

No. I notice that the Democrats are stirring shit to stay in the news and look like they're actually doing something.

Cheney would be the one stirring shit by refusing to obey executive orders and declaring himself not part of the executive branch. The Democrats are rightfully calling him on his bullshit.

The Demcrats seem to think that by throwing up this nonsense, which is exactly what it is, it will distract the people from their failure to accomplish anything at all. Guess it worked on you though...

The Democrats seem to think that by calling Cheney on his nonsense they might actually be able to get him to obey the law.

I can't believe his bullshit actually worked on you, or anyone for that matter.

(b) “Agency” means any “Executive agency,” as defined in 5 U.S.C. 105; any “Military department” as defined in 5 U.S.C. 102; and any other entity within the executive branch that comes into the possession of classified information.

Your only argument to exempt Cheney is that either he doesn’t have access to classified information or is not an entity within the executive branch. That's it.
"QUICK, we are taking too much heat on this immigration bill and our inability to end the war as promised--- I know, let's subpoena Cheney."

What is Executive Privilege and Where Does it Come From?

The Constitution nowhere expressly mentions executive privilege. Presidents have long claimed, however, that the constitutional principle of separation of powers implies that the Executive Branch has a privilege to resist certain encroachments by Congress and the judiciary, including some requests for information.

The dems are slowly squeezing the life out of their initial public support.

PRINCETON, NJ -- The percentage of Americans with a "great deal" or "quite a lot" of confidence in Congress is at 14%, the lowest in Gallup's history of this measure.....

"QUICK, we are taking too much heat on this immigration bill and our inability to end the war as promised--- I know, let's subpoena Cheney."

Is Cheney being gotten a subpoena over this issue? I thought that was over their illegal wiretapping.

He's also not claiming Executive Privilege here (although he has in the past). You'd have to be part of the Executive Branch to do that.

You're not reading the thread are you? Just throwing in random comments?
Every single member of the Executive Branch has been wiping its ass with the Constitution since World War I... cept maybe Carter.
And Carter gave Iran to Ahmadinejad and the Panama
canal to the Chicoms and we all know that was a great
Is Cheney being gotten a subpoena over this issue? I thought that was over their illegal wiretapping.

He's also not claiming Executive Privilege here (although he has in the past). You'd have to be part of the Executive Branch to do that.

You're not reading the thread are you? Just throwing in random comments?

Yes, you caught me skimming the thread alrighty, Spikey---I guess I thought you had the recent *breaking news* of the subpoenas covered...but at the same time, the constant whining coming from the left of how this is illegal and that is illegal is getting a little old and it's hard to wrap attention around something that is fabricated into "news" all because "Bush stole the election(s)." :rolleyes:

That being said, if the President says an executive order doesn't cover Cheney, it doesn't cover Cheney. :shrug: The fact that libs don't like either man is just gravy.

However, the dems should withhold funds for the VP office. After all, it worked like magic when they dinked around the war funding.

Reeaally boosted their Congressional approval rating.

Right through the ceiling. You'd need binoculars to see those numbers--they're sky-high! 14%

The dems are doing a hell of a job.

I mean, uhhhh, durrr, duhhh---Damn it! Thanks to you I've got "random comment-itus"!!! ;)
Red, when they win the Casa Blanca in oh eight
surrender to the Is-lamo fascists and get
homicide bombers goin' off in the WalMarts

Will people remember ol GW and that shotgun totin'
VP kept us safe forever?

Prolly not, Huh?

A lot can happen between now and election day '08 and it may just take a suitcase nuke in a major US city to wake people up to the fact that libs can't bring it.
the constant whining coming from the left of how this is illegal and that is illegal is getting a little old

Yeah, I know it's hard for the many cons to care about the law when your peeps ignore it daily. You haven't even got around to addressing the subject of the thread have you? Or is "who cares if it's illegal" thing all you got?

Instead you keep throwing out congressional approval ratings as if Congress is all democrat. I think the ratings might be low because of the remaining Repubs since most of the country wants to see the Dems keep coontrol in '08.

So go ahead and keep praying for a suitcase bomb or whatever you guys do while ignoring the issues at hand. :laugh: