Cheney's hidden secret discovered!!!!

Oh also there is a local store that sells Mexican Coca Cola in the old glass bottles. It's made with the real cane sugar and not that corn syrup crap they sell to us here, and so much better. Quite the drive just for a Coke but just talking about it finds me very thirsty!
Is that like Pepsi Throwback?

Coca Cola might actually be good again if it was the "real thing."
Man if I had a soda fridge is had better be like 33-34 degrees, I like that stuff damn near frozen. A cold drink ought to be freakin' cold! Especially when it is over 90 today....

We Northwesterners are many things, but generally used to hot weather is something we are not!

People say the same thing about their beer, but you have to understand that at that temp, you can't actually taste anything. That's why american beer taste like shit when it's warm. It's not that it taste any better cold, you just can't taste it at all.
People say the same thing about their beer, but you have to understand that at that temp, you can't actually taste anything. That's why american beer taste like shit when it's warm. It's not that it taste any better cold, you just can't taste it at all.

That's bullshit too. If you can taste a popsicle, you can still taste. I should know; I like those stupid liquid fruit flavored pops that you freeze (like "Otter Pops" but a much better flavored brand). I had a Coke last night that had ice just starting to form in it, (I put it in the freezer right after I got home from the store) and it tasted wonderful.
Different beers need to be served at different temps. English beer can't be served chilled cos it kills off the culture. Lagers OTOH, should be relatively chilled.
That's why american beer taste like shit when it's warm. It's not that it taste any better cold, you just can't taste it at all.

You really can't generalize "american beer" anymore. I'm sure you're referring to Bud, Miller, Pabst, etc but there's so many really fine american beers now that most of the bars iin my area don't even serve any of the crap beers on tap.
Absolutely true, Spike. I found some great beers while south of the border. When I say "american beer" I'm referring jointly to the 'American style' industrial piss as well as the limited american beer available in Canada ... all of which fall into the former catagory. It should be understood that former Canadian beer greats Labatt and Molson are little more than 'american style' beers themselves now. I don't waste my time on anything coming out of their factories. Note, factories ... they're no longer breweries in my view.
I didn't realize Molson and Labatt had changed that much. When did that happen? They've been not much different than "american style" beers for as long as I can remember.

Are any decent American beers available in Canada? Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada are the largest "craft brewers" so proabably have the best chance of making it up there. I don't find Sam Adams anything to get excited about though.
Yeah, didn't much find a fuss w/ Sam Adams. Sierra Nevada was nice. Fav was prolly the Anchor Steam. The Honker was also good. I was really surprised / envious at the number of german beers that I found on tap. You hardly ever see that here. Augustiner f'r instance. *drool*
I didn't realize Molson and Labatt had changed that much. When did that happen? They've been not much different than "american style" beers for as long as I can remember.

Are any decent American beers available in Canada? Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada are the largest "craft brewers" so proabably have the best chance of making it up there. I don't find Sam Adams anything to get excited about though.

They're never been that good for me, but they were the best of a bad lot. There's nada good from south of the border in Quebec. Believe me, I've looked. I frequently have to go to Ont. just because their gov't administered beer stores have a better int'l selection. Sam's boston ale and lager are about what I consider the lowest that beer should be allowed to be. A good, flavourful beer.
I feel stupid. I spent all day wondering why my thermometer was broken, because it's August and it showed 45 degrees outside, even though it is obviously much warmer. Then I realized that it's still in my fridge.
It rained, so I thought that the outdoor sensor had been covered with water, and was thinking about the thermodynamic properties of things when they get soaked in water, which is that the molecules with a higher kinetic energy evaporate from the liquid, which reduces the average kinetic energy of the molecules in the liquid, so as a result, the temperature decreases. It's like why you get cold once you step out of the shower, even though the room was a comfortable temperature before you got in. I was remarking how surprising it was that it was able to consistently keep my temperature sensor about 30 degrees below ambient simply due to evaporation.
Well, an update.

Been using the fridge all year and I'm pretty happy with it. It's been cranked on the coldest setting, and while I certainly wouldn't put raw meat or something very temperature sensitive in there for a long amount of time, it's great for keeping drinks and leftover pizza cold.

I have a kickass 4 cubic foot wood-grain fridge at home that I got from my uncle, but it's just too big to be convenient here. Knob went up to 10 and it was getting icy at 3.

As for my Thermodynamics course - I wrecked it. Ended up with an A- because there was a lot of homework I didn't do. I took 3 extra classes last semester, and I was pinched for time. I hoped to pwn the tests hard enough that I could take a zero for my homework grade and still get an A, but alas, not quite. Right on the border.
I also learned that 90% of the so-called "engineers" at my school doesn't know a flying fuck about anything. Their abilities start and end at memorizing the textbook.
I also learned that 90% of the so-called "engineers" at my school doesn't know a flying fuck about anything. Their abilities start and end at memorizing the textbook.

That is true about damn near everyone, everywhere. Very few truly knowledgable people. Lots of folks just doin' what they can to get by.
Must be a pretty good mini fridge if it is still working after over a year.....

:brow: Post a pic of it in action.