Child abuse


molṑn labé
Staff member
the company is reviewing the matter, and is considering taking away the girl's tickets.

I sure as hell hope so. A valuable lesson for a little one. Lies & deceit are wrong & you will suffer for your use of them.

GARLAND, Texas (AP) — An essay that won a 6-year-old girl four tickets to a Hannah Montana concert began with the powerful line: "My daddy died this year in Iraq."
While gripping, it was not true — and now the girl may lose her tickets after her mom acknowledged to contest organizers it was all a lie.

Scummy parent
Agreed. Take 'em away and let her sit home writing an apology. Then take to visit some kids whose parents really won't be coming home.
Well, yeah... mom's teaching some absolutely wunduhful values there. I just wonder if the kid should be punished if she didn't know any better?
Definitely a valuable life lesson here... I can guarantee she'll never forget it. She'll also probably hate her mother for decades to come.
Well, yeah... mom's teaching some absolutely wunduhful values there. I just wonder if the kid should be punished if she didn't know any better?

Not punishing her would be sending the wrong message. Sometimes you do something inadvertently and mess up... at least it's just losing out on a concert for Disney's latest white blond teen fad, who Disney will abandon when she gets too old (18), and not the death of someone. But if she still gets the tickets after telling a lie to get them, then she learns that it's OK to get stuff by false means.
Wow. Even if the kid got the idea to lie without any help from mommy, the mother should have looked at the entry and canned it. I agree that they should take the tickets away and give it to someone that wrote a true story for the tickets.

She may hate her mom for a while, but I am pretty sure she will never do it again.
Heard earlier today on the news that they have taken the prize back to give to another legitimate essay winner.
My daughter is five and my nieces are 7. Kids that age know what lying is. Punish the parent and the kid. At 6 years old, she knows what she's writing.