Child molester loose close to home


Well-Known Member
OK...on the radio, I just heard that there's a chid molester working my area. In fact, he's been up to it for about 2 months now, and has molested 10+ girls since starting. The fact that they've waited 2 months to let us know ticks me off to no end. I've got a kid, in this area...he doesn't meet this animal's target (girls 9-15 years old), but who's to say that this'll change?

now for the other side of the coin.

here's the description
A suspect in his 30s is wanted in Longueuil for molesting at least 10 girls, ages 9 to 15.

It's been happening since mid-September, but Longueil police only went public Thursday afternoon, saying they didn't have a good enough description before.

The man touches the girls on their breasts and sometimes genitals after school in parks and near bikepaths.

He's 6 feet tall, 200 pounds, with salt and pepper hair, a mustache and rides a bike.

OK...I live across the street from one of the High Schools where one event happened. I'm 36, 6' tall, weigh a few hairs shy of 200, my hair's going salt n' pepper, and I either take walks or ride my bike around this neighbourhood every day.

So...what's to stop me from getting hassled?'ll let me know that the cops are doing their job...and hopefully it means that they'll catch the guy. In the meanwhile...I'm hoping that I don't get vigitlantified.
$10us says that if the police are on their toes they have taken notice of you already.

I am all for profiling, let them keep an eye on you to eliminate you as a suspect.

. . . as for the parents with pitch-forks: always wear your running shoes, Richard Ramirez didn't fair to well uinder those circumstances.

Good-luck, hope they get the right guy.
I don't get this fucking shit. Crazy pitchfork people, be glad you know who and where this one is instead of going ahead running him off completely and ignoring that there are more than likely at least 10 more in that same neighbourhood noone knows about.

Run him off, you have what? you can let your kids free again? not bloody likely.