Child porn in a CGI world - legal question


Well-Known Member

Take a look at the images and then think of one item. Kiddie porn!

The laws against Kiddie Porn are aimed specifically at one goal. It isn't an attempt to repress the pedophile's emotions/'s all about protecting the kids used in these pictures and movies.

Now...imagine that these kids don't really exist and never did.
How will the law touch on this? No children are harmed in the creation of this film/picture. Does it fall into the same loophope as illicit writings, poetry, thoughts?

All of those, although immoral, are NOT illegal. Why should CGI Kiddie-Porn be?
Interesting, but I think we'd still have to keep it illegal just for the sake of the pedophiles sensations/emotions. I think it would just be encouraging that type of behavior.
just because bill goldberg doesn't 'exist' in my world doesn't mean i don't want to fuck him and if i ever met him he'd sure find out. that being in my mind i say that this computer generated kiddie porn is just as harmful to children as the real stuff. it spawns an idea, gives an education in kiddie porn....don't most sexual predator start out 'just watching'?
PT said:
I think it would just be encouraging that type of behavior.

Whoa there Nelly. Slippery slope time.

What about the adult porn industries claim that it's harmless & victimless?
Bish, I just noticed that your attachment was a still...Have you seen the CGI movie clip that its from? Its incredible...
Gonz said:
Whoa there Nelly. Slippery slope time.

What about the adult porn industries claim that it's harmless & victimless?
because adult porn stars are there for the money and they are capable of making the decision. children can not really understand whats going on. if it's computer generated kiddie porn then there is no victim...for a time. what happens when the porn isn't enough and there is such a pretty little child living next door?
Gonz said:
Whoa there Nelly. Slippery slope time.

What about the adult porn industries claim that it's harmless & victimless?

:eek5: EGADS! Have I entered a Bizarro version of OTC? Is that Gonz playing the part of the ACLU? :bolt:

The same also applies to movies with bloody gunfights, martial arts, cursing, drugs... If visual representations encourage behavior, then everything in radio, tv, cinema, print media, books, needs to be dialed back to the draconian era when nothing more vile than Old Yeller was allowed across the airwaves. Freedom is more of an all-or-nothing stance than most people realize. To ban everything, regardless of noble intent, leads ultimately to the devils endgame of total supression. It is the death of 1000 cuts ... and I do not like it one bit.
yeah...*sigh*...unc may be right. perhaps i am just personally biased against kiddie porn. i suppose it has to be protected under the constitution as well......although, it's a tough pill to swallow.
Good point Unc, but I guess I would be one that would like to see the amount of violence and such eliminated from our TV's. At least network TV. Now, if you want to put it on the movie channels, and you want to allow your children to watch it, that's fine, just don't put it where my kids can get to it whenever they want.

As for the adult porn industry, sure, it's degrading to women, it's also degrading to men, but if we, as adults copy what we see there we are usually just having a good time, and perhaps learning a few new techniques that our mates might appreciate. If pedophiles copy what they see, they are hurting people.
The problems will develope when the Virtual Kiddy Porn becomes too hard to identify as virtual...You'll never really know that they didn't insert a REAL clip...:crying3:
Squiggy said:
:eek5: EGADS! Have I entered a Bizarro version of OTC? Is that Gonz playing the part of the ACLU? :bolt:

I told you I'm a wannabe libertarian. I am not republican. I'm especially not democrat. The issue holds the key, not the party. :p

Personally, take all the pedophiles, line 'em up & shoot 'em. No more problem.
Squiggy said:
The problems will develope when the Virtual Kiddy Porn becomes too hard to identify as virtual...You'll never really know that they didn't insert a REAL clip...:crying3:
I had thought of that as well.
PuterTutor said:
I had thought of that as well.

Too difficult to go through the whole find the child, hide the child, film, lighting, hide the works etc... if the real deal is illegal but the virtual one is legal (and there doesn't seem to be a difference), then why bother going through all the trouble?

Besides... this would be an ever-available, never ageing sexually proficient cherub. Knowing winks included.
You might have a point there as well, Bish. I guess it just seems so wrong to me to use children, even replicas of children if you will, for such a purpose. It's just wrong.
PuterTutor said:
You might have a point there as well, Bish. I guess it just seems so wrong to me to use children, even replicas of children if you will, for such a purpose. It's just wrong.

I couldn't agree with you more! It is wrong, but it's one hell of a slippery-slope and there are enough sickos out there, and enough money-hungry programmers that I can see it happening. :crying4:
Man, that's a scary thought Bish :(

Some of the animations from Japan (called Henti or summit?) are already pretty close to the knuckle IMO :eh:
But this has already been going on for years. Granted its not as sophisticated but their are graphic artist manipulators out there that can do one hell of a job. who hasnt gotten a BRITTANY SUCKING HORSE COCK!!! spam before? its a multi billion dollar business this celebrity nude porn stuff. So illegal sex can be done already in just the same way. but from what i understand i think it IS illegal to be in possession of child porn even if it can be shown to be manipulated or fake for the simple reason that it is still encouraging the sexual exploitation of children. ill have to check the legal sites on that one though. Now you can tack up pictures of nude kids on your front door but they just cant be involved in anything "overtly sexual". What I want to know is how do they prove the age of the kid? If she looks 14 is she REALLY 14? How can you prove this stuff. When they have these big child porn ring busts whats the basis of proof for prosecution usually? Do they actually have to find a kid? Whose to say that flat chested sweetie with the pig tails and freckles isn’t actually a 26 year old with a stunted growth problem? Gets so complicated…
MrBishop said:
Too difficult to go through the whole find the child, hide the child, film, lighting, hide the works etc... if the real deal is illegal but the virtual one is legal (and there doesn't seem to be a difference), then why bother going through all the trouble?

Besides... this would be an ever-available, never ageing sexually proficient cherub. Knowing winks included.

You forgot the biggest motivator. MONEY.

A film/tape/.jpg/.mov of kids is worth X amount of dollars. A real life child rape scene is now worth XXXXX dollars. Where there's a will there's a way. Where there's a buck or two million there's a will.

It should be illegal to have child porn in any variation. Not because it may or may not cause certain behaviors but because there has to be some limit, somewhere. Freedom can't become anarchistic. Once that happens, freedom dies. Where is the limit in other places? I'll let you know when I officially announce my intention for becoming GOD>
i siad it in aniother thread i say it again:
kiddie porn is kiddie porn real or nto its wrong. it shoudl be prosecuted as though it were real.