Child was Behind Facebook Poll on Killing Obama

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Well-Known Member

When a poll was posted to the popular social networking site Facebook asking if President Obama should be killed, the Secret Service launched an investigation.

Today they announced the results: Turns out a kid was behind the poll. And no criminal charges will be filed against him or his parents, according to the Associated Press, citing a Secret Service spokesman.

The poll, posted to the site over the weekend, asked, "should obama be killed?" The possible answers were "yes," "maybe," "if he cuts my health care" and "no."

At least 730 people took the user-generated poll before it was removed by Facebook. Results were not available because the third-party application used to post the poll was disabled.

Facebook said at the time that the person behind the poll had been banned from using the service.

Secret Service spokesman Edwin Donovan did not identify the child who posted the poll or release his or her age. He said agents had determined that he or she was not a threat to the president.

"Case closed," Donovan said, according to the AP. "I guess you could characterize it as a mistake."

In an email, Barry Schnitt, Facebook Director of Policy Communications, said, "we commend the Secret Service on their quick and thorough action and have complete confidence in whatever conclusion they have reached as a result."

Hmmm. Child "gradeschool," or child "living in the basement?" Apparently 730 people took that poll. What were the results, anyway?? :shrug:

And criminal charges filed????

I'm guessing that his parents must not have been Conservatives, otherwise they would've been up against the wall and the child in foster care. Case Closed.
Child most likely means under 13 - or they would've said 'teenager'. They likely didn't press charges because he was very young and it wouldn't have solved the issue.

As to the BS about conservatives etc... go flog your childish BS elsewhere, eh.
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