

Well-Known Member
Every parent knows that you have to be rabidly alert for anything that might be remotely dangerous for your kids. Well, this morning ...

I'll start from the beginning. It's been bitterly cold here recently. I'm sure you all read Bish's thread. Well, it's been cold enough that the dog wouldn't go out for more that 30 secs at a time. Well, she's on this new diet (she damn near died of some stomach ailment recently) that's dry as hell, and she has a bit of a hard time passing. A couple of times, she gave up trying outside, and (discreetly) did a #2 indoors. Discreet, and (conviently) under V3.0's highchair where noone would step on it, and it would be cleaned up with all the food he throws. Great dog. Always thinking.

Well, this morning, I came across a ziploc bag with some dry cereal on the couch. Seems that that's how the missus gets a few minutes in the morning. She sits him in front of the TV with a bag of cereal to munch on. But (here's the bit you've been waiting for) it's full of Nesquik cereal. It looks exactly like the dog poo.

Then I left for work.

on childproofing:

When we have kids I'm gonna be in trouble.

Our basement used to be a daycare, before we bought the house

a lot is childproofed

I have problems opeining it

I'm pathetic

One of my cats has "litter box issues". He will poop in two places outside the litter; the bathmat, and under my daughter's play table.

And OMG, those little balls o' poo do look exactly like Nesquick cereal, which my oldest loves (the cereal, not the poo).

Fortunately, my kids are old enough that I can explain about the poo poo under the table. They'll even let me know it's there. "Ma, kitty poop again"

At least I hope so....
:lol: this thread had me laughing. I am so glad I dont hav kids. Paul follow the instructions. its not that difficult. even a child could do it :p
Childproofing...!! OMG what a topic.

My house is so safe that I can leave the front door wide open all night and not expect a robber to get more than 10 feet into the place without getting stuck in the laerynth that is my house.
that is...if he doesn't break his neck tripping on a cat or slipping on a loose toy left innocently enough in the middle of the floor :)
I'm glad I don't have kids, either. Child proof? No thanks. I'm still working on puppy proofing the house - which I"m sure is just as hard to do. Or it sure feels like it.
paul_valaru said:

on childproofing:

When we have kids I'm gonna be in trouble.

Our basement used to be a daycare, before we bought the house

a lot is childproofed

I have problems opeining it

I'm pathetic
I don't use those things mostly because I can't operate them either :blush:
paul_valaru said:

on childproofing:

When we have kids I'm gonna be in trouble.

Our basement used to be a daycare, before we bought the house

a lot is childproofed

I have problems opeining it

I'm pathetic

Just squeeze the nipples gently as you turn the knob...
Les? We're quoting me now? Ooh, I feel all tingly inside. :retard3: :lol:

Oh... would someone mind opening this jar? I can't quite figure the kiddie-proof thingie. :alienhuh:
If there's a child-proof thing in the house chances are Martin's figured out how to open it before I have - most effective way of childproofing anything is me running around after him and everyone yelling "Martin Los" ("Martin Leave") when he touches something he shouldn't.......I think he's gonna grow up thinking his name is Martin Leave! :rolleyes: