Children Flying Solo?


New Member
My ex called to tell me that he has agreed to let my daughter go down to GA to see her great grandparents and aunts and uncles and the like. Then he drops he bomb that she might be on the plane by herself. She is only six years old and I am not sure how comfertable with that I am. He did the same thing at that age, but those were different times. Some people tell me it's not safe now and others tell me that it is prolly safER now than it was then. I just don't know. His older sister who is 15 I believe might be going on the plane with her both ways which makes me feel better, so I hope that before June that all gets worked out so that Alex can go because it is a great opportunity for her and she misses her relatives, but I just don't know about putting her on an airplane all by herself. He has aggreed however that I can go with him and the step mom to airline and talk with them myself about the procedure for all this before we decide. (Ya, shocking that he said WE huh?)

Am I just being protective or am I being overprotective? Anyone let their child fly along before?
If you are the custodial parent, you can stop this. If you are not, get a lawyer.
Mine has asked if I'm ok about sending them alone on a 30 minute express route bus ride and that even freaks me out at 11,9 and 6. I totally understand you feeling freaked out about this.
Um, how about


no wait he's the father and it is his 'call'

so all you can do is worry yourself sick over it

have fun!
I agree with Winky on the NO part. You should be able to put your foot down since this is also your daughter. and you are being protective.
Yes Gonz, that's the new 'traditional' American fambily structure!

Nah Liss she'll be fine the Airlines have procedures for dealing with the trans-shipment of minors. They take real good care of them. Only thing to be sure of is that there is someone at the destination to 'claim' her.
I came from the beta version of the Child of Divorce game. Our idiot parents didn't change states, just houses.
I will be fine once I talk to the airline about keeping an eye on the 15 and 6 year old. I just worry. He have joint custody and we both have to agree when she leaves the state. It doesn't matter who she is with, we have signed papers saying we both have to agree. I think it is a great opportunity to see her great grandparents and such, I just don't want to worry about her on the plane alone. If it weren;t so soon after the baby being born, I would drive her to GA and stop to see my relatives in AR, but the baby will only be about 3 or 4 weeks old and that is not an idea I will entertain.
I flew by myself when I was probably 7 or so. But that would have been in 1988, and things were definitely different then.

For one thing, this had better be a nonstop flight.
One: Alex is six now? *feels old*
Two: I agree with Inky....even if she does have an older child flying with her, changing planes midway through the trip may get a little complicated =/
My kid flew alone when he was seven, and will do it again this year. But, that was a small plane, 25 minutes in the air, and he's arriving at a teeny weeny airport where one could'nt get lost if one tried. Also, a steward will walk with him from the plane, and make sure he is picked up by the person named in his "I travel alone"-folder.
When was the last time she saw the relatives? I don't know - I wouldn't let my children go anywhere alone. Over protective? Hell-freaking-ya!! Better that than to find out my kid was molested somewhere where Mom or Dad wasn't around. Then again, no freakin-way-in-hell I'd let ANYONE have custody of my kids but me. Visitation. Period.

Anyways, there is always someone who leads them to thier seat - a sterwardess is assigned to them to see to it they are handed off to the appropriate person who's picking them up. I was one of those kids. So if you're actually going to let her go, then the plane trip itself is the least of your worries.
In this day and age, with pedophiles and perverts running amok, there is absolutely no way in Hell I would allow any child under the age of 16 to travel alone as far as within reasonable bicycling distance in the immediate neighborhood. At 16, at least here, they can drive, so that opens their world a bit.

But 6? No freakin' way. Too many things can happen, and they happen too often. No how.
It is a non stop flight and the 15 year old will be flying with her. I think I will talk to the airline and have them both get the I Travel Alone package and I will gladly pay extra fees for the service, if it is one that I agree with. I think I just need to do a lot more research on it before I decide. He has to have my permission to send her before she goes, so I am not too worried about not having a say in it.
i flew alone when i was 8 but that was only because i had flown so much previously that my mom thought the experience wouldn't freak me out.flying alone for the first time could be very frightening.