Chinese Defense Minister Gives Speech About WAR plans against the United States

unclehobart said:
I don't believe it for a second.

1.China is getting richer and richer all the time... why rock the boat?
2. Their military force projection fucking well sucks. They can't match the tech, they don't have the navy, the physical will of the people is nil.

Exactly what i thought. Plus, if the chinese did kill 200 million americans, wouldn't that make the USA slightly uninhabitabal. What with 200 mil dead bodies lying around the joint.

Sounds like the communist government is panicking about the western leanings of its people.
Gato_Solo said:
I believe it. It's just like the plans we have to invade any other country on the planet as well. Every world power has contingency plans like that. What's the big deal? :shrug: I'd be surprised if the didn't have any plans for invading the US...
Of course everyone has a contingency plan; its normal machiavellian preparedness. What this thing is talking about is an outright speech being made by a high minister... which is a no-no. Those kinds of plans are secret and quiet. Being bold and letting it leak out only leads to political fallout.
Lopan said:
Sounds like the communist government is panicking about the western leanings of its people.

Hence the Wal Mart plan is working. Let them earn an income building cheap crap & before you know it, they'll want jobs at Toyota & Sony. ;)