Chinese organs...

*makes note
"do not get imprisoned in China"


Shouldn't there be something like the Geneva convention humanity standards,
for like inside countries. (only better drawn up)

Damnit, I thought the UN was supposed to be on top of this stuff.
Fire um. Fire um all, and start over.
okok, I just gotta go morbid here one time...:D

I wonder if a quad-amputee get limbs from a Prisoner that developed Bruce Lee
type skills, could build themselves back to that level?

*evil Dr Frankenstein laugh
*makes note
"do not get imprisoned in China"


Shouldn't there be something like the Geneva convention humanity standards,
for like inside countries. (only better drawn up)

Damnit, I thought the UN was supposed to be on top of this stuff.
Fire um. Fire um all, and start over.
There are standards, China broke them...and they're about to get penalized for it.
Larry Niven wrote a whole series of stories about "organlegging" and criminals being sentenced to be "recycled." Good stuff. "Patchwork Girl" is probably my favorite but there are some hair raising short stories in "Tales of Known Space."
There are standards, China broke them...and they're about to get penalized for it.

seems I recall... some years ago, maybe 20, that they 'got in trouble', for
like experinebting of something on the population???
My memory ain't so good, but I think there is some history.