Choking phobia


New Member
Are any of you psychologically unable to swallow pills for fear of choking? If so, what do you do, chew them to break them up a little before you swallow it? There are now warnings on bottles telling you not to do that but I don't know why... Does that cause damage or something?

Doc gave me some heavy-duty antibiotics (Biaxin) to combat my walking pneumonia that's been hanging around for 9 days so far. They are the most foul tasting shit I have ever had but I know they're going to make me better right quick so I'm dealing. I just bite a quarter of the pill each time and swallow it with juice to deaden the disgusting taste.

I can't be the only one. Who's with me?
Some pills are designed so that they don't dissolve until they are well on their way i the digestive system. Others are supposed to release the medication gradually after the pill has been taken.

If a pill is not supposed to be broken up, it's for a reason. If no info is given on the bottle, ask at the pharmacy.
No, I don't have the problem but Dara has had to deal with it before. She says honey slides work quite well. Coat the pill in honey, place it in a spoonful of honey, and swallow it like you were taking cough syrup or some such. She says it works every time. :shrug: She also says you swallow bits of food significantly larger than any pill at virtually every meal.
you sre not the only one. i've come across many a patient that cant swallow pills for one reason or another.

Some pills are designed so that they don't dissolve until they are well on their way i the digestive system. Others are supposed to release the medication gradually after the pill has been taken.
what she said.

try swallowing them with a spoonful of ice cream or apple sauce. might hide the taste enough.
I usually drink a small amount of liquid first to lubricate the throat. Sip of water, then immediately down the pill. Dara's honey trick, though, is the same deal, but even better.
I seemingly have the opposite. I can swallow multiple largish objects at the same time without the aid of water. I must be part snake.
They sell pill breakers at the pharmacy...but if your pill is a time release that may not be feasible. Try some Hershey's syrup if you are not a honey fan.

I can swallow up to about 8 pills at one time (vitamin supplement freak) but I can't hold a piece of paper between my lips without gagging...weird.
unclehobart said:
I seemingly have the opposite. I can swallow multiple largish objects at the same time without the aid of water. I must be part snake.
:tmi: :rofl:
I can swallow pills without water.
I used to have that problem. Mum used to have to try and sneak the pills into my food. :retard: When I went on the pill, I got used to swallowing those pills (had a LOT of trouble at first even though they're only little itty bitty pills:rolleyes: ), and in the end I could swallow them without water. I still have trouble with bigger pills though. The honey trick works really well.
chcr said:
No, I don't have the problem but Dara has had to deal with it before. She says honey slides work quite well. Coat the pill in honey, place it in a spoonful of honey, and swallow it like you were taking cough syrup or some such. She says it works every time. :shrug: She also says you swallow bits of food significantly larger than any pill at virtually every meal.
Please tell Dara that her suggestion enabled me to swallow two of the biggest pills I have ever taken without chewing or breaking them up first. The honey broke a 30 year phobia. How stupid is it that I almost felt euphoric after swallowing them whole?

You have to understand that these pills are 3/4 long, 1/4 inch thick. Shit, I used to have trouble with those teeny tiny sudafed pills. To a pill phobic, it's mammoth.

I feel great. Well, actually, I'm coughing up a lung once every 10 minutes and I pulled a chest muscle from the force of the coughing. But I can fucking SWALLOW PILLS!! :dance:
I don't like the feeling of a pill going down my throat. I sometimes use chocolate milk instead of water.

That honey suggestion sounds great! I'll remember that one...
greenfreak said:
You have to understand that these pills are 3/4 long, 1/4 inch thick. Shit, I used to have trouble with those teeny tiny sudafed pills. To a pill phobic, it's mammoth.

You sure they weren't suppositories :eek5:
A.B.Normal said:
You sure they weren't suppositories :eek5:

Sounds about the size of my vitamins :shrug:

When my dad was sick he had some pills that were a good inch long, 1/4 inch diameter...and they were VERY stinky...they were taken orally
A.B.Normal said:
You sure they weren't suppositories :eek5:
LOL...that reminds me of that episode of Family guy where Peter has the tab at the drug store and is getting everything. He complains about the flavor of the suppositories and the drug store owner says, "Peter! Are you eating the suppositories?" and Peter goes "well of course! What am I suppose to do with them? Shove 'em up my ass!?!"
for some reason i can't take pills with water. any other beverage is fine, but it seems that when i try with water, i can't coordinate my throat properly and i just can't get it down.
that honey trick sounds good. glad it worked for you, gf!
A.B.Normal said:
You sure they weren't suppositories :eek5:
I checked the bottle, it says to take orally. ;)


I can't believe I'm not better yet. Six pills total so far and I'm still coughing all the time. My sister has the exact same symptoms but she's on Augmentin. And she's not doing so great either. Talking to her on the phone is pretty funny. If either one of us laughs, we start coughing.
Gotholic said:
I don't like the feeling of a pill going down my throat. I sometimes use chocolate milk instead of water.

That honey suggestion sounds great! I'll remember that one...
Mom (nurse) said to be careful with milk on some can counter the pill or somesuch.

Of course, I can't remember which one it was. :D Prescription...maybe it was asprin....dunno.