Choking phobia

Mirlyn said:
Mom (nurse) said to be careful with milk on some can counter the pill or somesuch.

Of course, I can't remember which one it was. :D Prescription...maybe it was asprin....dunno.
I know some prescription meds say right on the bottle not to take with milk...
greenfreak said:
I checked the bottle, it says to take orally. ;)


I can't believe I'm not better yet. Six pills total so far and I'm still coughing all the time. My sister has the exact same symptoms but she's on Augmentin. And she's not doing so great either. Talking to her on the phone is pretty funny. If either one of us laughs, we start coughing.

That stuff nearly killed V2.0. she's highly alergic.
Dave, I'm close to being better but I'm not there yet. Still have a productive cough although it's not as thick and it's not keeping me up at night anymore. I only have two days left of the antibiotics and I'm worried that I'm going to need more.

I have to go get a chest xray sometime this week.
its possible you might need another short round of something different to get rid of it entirely. unless your doc was silly enough to give you antibiotics for a viral pneumonia. (happens all the time actually)
Without the chest xray, there's no way to tell if it's pneumonia, is there? I'm going to call tomorrow to see if the xray place has late hours. I haven't had a chest xray in at least 5 years, it's about time anyway.

Winky, I haven't smoked in 7 years. I quit cold turkey when I started getting bronchitis. Unfortunately, it's stayed with me and I still get it once a year.
the docs sometimes make the diagnosis from the clinical presentation, but x-rays will tell for sure.