Christ a'mighty, its starting early this year...


New Member
I just went to the mailbox. It was crammed with 10 pounds of pre Christmas buying season hooey... and not one letter. Yeesh. Leave me alone! I dont want your Pottery Barn catalogue. No... I don't need bon bons crammed with diamonds. No.. I don't need to know that Walgreens is having a blowout on wrapping paper.
Yes Christmas starts in mid November here. It's great to know that all these billion dollar entities are such faithful Christians!
mid november? i wish. the local stores have had their x-mas displays up since the 1st week of october. buy your fake tree and icicle lights early...avoid the rush...
I went to my garden center this weekend and they already had the Christmas decorations in full force. But they also had a kid's area made out of hay and they had a petting farm in the back and a haunted greenhouse. It was really cute. :D
Most of my stuff is coming in from AAFES and NEX. I tend to throw the other stuff directly in the recycle bin.
I still shudder when I see AAFES. We used to get audited by them at an old job. When they came to visit, it was a cause for concern. :eek:
Blimey you've only just noticed? I've been getting Christmas junk mail since the end of August! Just before I noticed the decorations on sale in the shops and the toy adverts on TV. :eek: :confuse3:

My daughter keeps telling me what she's getting from Santa! Now I have to work like a slave to make sure she's not disappointed. I keep telling her that it's me who buys them but she won't believe me, she is totally convinced that Santa really does exist - but I definately draw the line at the karaoke machine! :( :confuse2:

Then you can guarantee that as soon as we hit January 1st the easter eggs will be out!
Ive been getting the odd flyer since summer as well... its just that this was the first time that I had discovered like 18-20 magazine/fliers arrive all on the same day. There was no room left for REAL mail that day.
I've seen catalogues, decorated stores, seen and heard TV and radio commercials, and god forbid, someone here actually has their Christmas lights on already :eek:
Leslie said:
I've seen catalogues, decorated stores, seen and heard TV and radio commercials, and god forbid, someone here actually has their Christmas lights on already :eek:

I swear it gets worse every year! By the time I get to Christmas I'm praying for it to be over. :(

Christmas spirit? - yeah I feel like I want to down a few bottles just to blot it out.
Until my kid gets dressed up in some stupid costume & begs candy from the neighbors & until I get stuffed with turkey & dressing & potatoes & pumpkin pie, I refuse to think about or discuss *that* holiday. hhhmmmmmpphphphph
Leslie said:
Baileys is good this time of year :D

Yum, yum! Can I have the cute guy in the advert as well? Now that's what I call a crissy pressy - Party on! ..... And what about the naked man in that cologne advert? I don't remember the cologne just his cute butt. Phworr! It' s soooooooo nice to have some eye candy for ladies for a change. :p :p :p :cocktail:
christmas comes earlier and earlier. in NC where i take my vacations in auagust there is a store that has christmas and halloween sections year round. and at my store we already have xmas decorations for sale. i wonder when the sales will start.
My parents are already buyign my brother one of those electronic keyboard piano thigns for christmas
i ask for a $1000 computer and all i get is a "needs to be cheaper"
i mena you cant get a decent computer for under $1000!