Christ a'mighty, its starting early this year...

$1000 is ALOT of money Altron. Especially $1000US *passes out at the though of how much that is*
my parents were going to buy a $1000 vacum cleaner...
I said "not before new compyter"
and now my brother wants a new computer
i am liek a computer addict...
actually we had a compuyter just got last winter, fi your a geek system specs
it plays Wolf alright but im worried about DOOM3. i only get 20fps in RtCW and i think i will need a new video card to play DOOM3. my problem wiht the Dell is taht it has alot of older stuff in it, even tohugh its less than a year old, most of the parts were liek dells "Leftovers" and were pretty old, especially my video card...
And its no fun to brag about an old computer in forums...
well maybe next march...
um, a friend of mine has a brand new puter (Athlon XP 2100+ processor). His videocard is GeForce 4 Ti 4200 w/ 128mb RAM on it.

He gets HORRIBLE frame rates with it.

From what he says to beable to play it properly you are gonna need basically the best vid card you can get.

So, unless you are gonna spend more than $1000US you're prolly not gonna get a new system that will run Doom properly.
well the $1000 system ahs a Geforce4 Ti4200 64MB and an XP 2400+ but the videocard is some kickass one that beats the hell out of all the other Ti4200s
Gainward Ultra 650TV Golden Sample
tho im thinking of an Ultra 700XP golden smaple, so I have the 128MB and a Ti4400

But a Dell 1.6GHz wiht a 64MB Geforce2 MX400 will barely get any performance at all
I am getting a XP2200+

Of course the 1.6 doesn;t get any performance! It's a P4! :rolleyes:
If i was you, i would get a 2400+
the 2200+ had alot fo heat issues because it was the first 13NM proc from AMD. they worked otu most of the bugs in the 2400+,
Also its got the best perice:performance ratio, 2.4GHz/2400+
They have the newest technology in them, but are still about $175-$200
The P4 is the old williamette 18NM and a small cache
Gainward makes good video cards, I ahve heard they are the best
fast RAM and Golden Sample overclocking, plus good cooling if you want ot overclock even more
It depends how long I procrastinate before getting the machine

I might go with a 2400+ if the price has dropped some. Even after you do currency conversion the prices of most things are still more here :(
Altron said:
my problem wiht the Dell is taht it has alot of older stuff in it, even tohugh its less than a year old, most of the parts were liek dells "Leftovers" and were pretty old, especially my video card...
And its no fun to brag about an old computer in forums...
well maybe next march...

That's the problem with buying a ready made system you just don't know what rubbish they put in it. You should learn how to build one yourself, it's much more fun. There's plenty of information and help on-line.
Nixy said:
um, a friend of mine has a brand new puter (Athlon XP 2100+ processor). His videocard is GeForce 4 Ti 4200 w/ 128mb RAM on it.

He gets HORRIBLE frame rates with it.

From what he says to beable to play it properly you are gonna need basically the best vid card you can get.

So, unless you are gonna spend more than $1000US you're prolly not gonna get a new system that will run Doom properly.

That video card is crap for gaming - my brother's words - he swears by the ATi 8500.
Is that a Radeon Aunty Em?

Sorry, I am just learning all the different ones since I have to decide on one myself...
Sorry, yes that is. He's quite excited about the new 9700 as well, but that's really pricey from what I hear. I was going to buy the Geforce but he warned me off it.

I have an ATi Radeon 7500 64MB DDR TVOut which is great for me because I don't play fast paced games but I do like watching DVDs and recording to VCR. It was £64 ($99.84) which was cheaper than the Geforce 2 MX200 I bought last year, so I'm happy.

I am so confussed

Some people say "RADEON! RADEON! RADEON!" others say "GEFORCE! GEFORCE! GEFORCE!"

What is a girl to do? :(
It depends what you want to do with it. My brother did have the Geforce4 Ti4200 64MB before the 8500 and he is an avid gamer so I trust his judgement on this one.

Get the best you can afford.

I'm more into sound and recording so am madly saving for a Creative Audigy Platinum (cheapest - £178 with remote) or the Audigy 2 Platinum (cheapest £158 - without remote). It comes with the drive that fits into one of the 5.25" bays for connecting all your audio equipment. I have a Software Sound Studio but without the drive am very limited in what I can do. :( Once I have it I'll be able to record direct from guitar, keyboards, professional mic, etc. Then I'll probably have to upgrade my studio as it only has 16 midis and 4 channels, but it's good for learning how to mix. :)

I'll have to get a second HDD too for the recordings.
EVERYTHING was generic
my hard drive is from a manufacturer ST109A227 or soemthing like that
I already know how to build :D
My parents think it is impossible to build one
Im plannign on telling them (they want to get a Dell 2300) that it won't run my brothers games so we need a Dell 4550
Then im goign to configure it to play games nice
they will be horrified at the price, then i can start building
$1000 budget isn't too bad
no Radeon 9700 though
I mgiht scrape to about $1100 wiht the Corsair XMS DDR and the nForce2 motherboard... time o get a price from Dell...
Its actually a cheaper $968!
oh its a save $150 deal
now we're talking saving a buck or two :D
P4 2.4GHz vs. XP 2400+
512MB PC2700 vs. 512MB PC3200
80GB HDD vs. 80GB HDD
GF4 Ti4200 64MB vs. GF4 Ti4200 64MB
the only advantages of mine are harder to notice
Everythign is a nicer brand and is a bit faster.