Christmas/Holiday shopping?


Well-Known Member
I'm not big on shopping in general...I prefer to know what I want, go in, buy it and leave post-haste, so the weeks leading up to Christmas are hell for me. I have many people to buy for and most of them won't give me even the slightest idea what they might actually want or need.

I've tried waiting until the last day and rushing it, trying to get the misery over with as quickly as possible, and although people smile at my's a cleverly hidden grimace.

This year, I thought to try shopping in small bite-sized trips with a single person in mind. I still don't know what to get them, least it hurts less that way, and the rashes aren't as noticeable.

So... do you like holiday shopping?

and...are you making it easier on your S.O's and giving them a list?
Remember Champlain, how we'd make the schedules in advance, and you'd go in with a first, second, third choice, etc. That's how I christmas shop. In and out in under two hours, leaving a minimum of bleeding corpses behind.

I really, really miss working at the hotel in this season. It was so fucking easy christmas shopping when you finish work at 7AM and you're already downtown.
I had less people to shop for then...and the schedule did help. So few people wandering the malls at 9am on a tuesday :)

I'm seriously considering eBay and in some cases. Beats the hell out of driving to 3 malls to find that 'elusive' whateverfuck item.
Normally, in years when our house doesn't burn down, we use a system.

We allot $X per person in January. As long as we stay within $20 either way on that person, it's all good.

We total that amount. We divide by 10. That amount of money is set aside monthly.

As we go about the year, when we see something that would be great for a certain person, we buy it.

My wife and I make lists for each other about July, always listing much more than what we budgeted to allow for choices, availability, etc.

We each designate one area of the house that is off limits to the other person. If she peeks, the surprise is ruined. I do not snoop, ever.

This year is a bit different. We've bought some gifts, but not as many as we would have by now. I know what I will get her, just have to go do it.
Um, yeah. 'cept it doesn't actually get that cold before christmas. Most bottled liquids aren't 100% water, and any alcohol, salt, or carbonation will keep it safe until well below -10C. Given my alergies, perfumes of any kind are way, way off the shopping list. That pretty much covers the bases.

BTW, I still haven't found anything other than top grade maple syrup here. Still looking, but noone's even heard of it.
There will be little shopping for me to do. My contract just got re-newed, but the paperwork needed will not be ready soon. Hence, the sooner I can expect a pay check from the uni is Dec 15th (but I'm not counting on that), a probable date is Dec 20th but that's only a wish. Most likely I'll be receiving a juicy one on Jan 15th. :(
I LOVE HOLIDAY SHOPPING! When it's done a reasonable time before Christmas...I like it now, it's not TOO busy but the malls are still full of Christmas cheer. My Dad used to always shop Christmas eve for my mom and take me along...we always managed to get kick ass gifts but the lines were INSANE. I started my Christmas shopping awhile ago, I've still got a nice bit to do but I am doing it in little chunks, as I see things that I think people would like. I try to go browse each weekend and so far I've been pretty lucky in that I've found atleast one thing each time I've been out.
Christmas Carols for the Psychiatrically Challenged
Holiday Favorite

Schizophrenia - Do You Hear What I Hear?

Multiple Personality Disorder - We Three Kings Disoriented Are

Dementia - I Think I'll Be Home For Christmas

Narcissistic - Hark The Herald Angels Sing About Me

Manic - Deck The Halls and Walls and House and Lawn and Streets and Stores and Offices and
towns and Cars and Buses and Trucks and Trees and Fire Hydrants and...

Paranoid - Santa Claus Is Coming To Get Me

Borderline Personality - Thoughts Of Roasting On An Open Fire

Personality Disorder - You Better Watch Out, I'm Gonna Cry, I'm Gonna Pout, Maybe I'll Tell You Why

Obsessive Compulsive - Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle, Bells, Jingle Bells, Jingle Bells..............

Erm, I finished my present shopping last week, they're all wrapped up and safely put away till christmas... :grinyes:

Well you try going shopping on a mobility scooter when the shops are packed and there are kids everywhere with a suicide wish... :eek5:

I haven't been this organised in years! I just have to get all the extra christmas munchies, which I'll do on the 13th... :licklips:

Then I can just sit back and watch everyone else panic... :lol: