Christmas Stories


Well-Known Member
Christmas stories

There’s usually one event that’s worth retelling every season. Sometimes they’re good stories, sometimes not. Get enough family together, add the pre-Christmas stress of shopping, food prep, travel etc…add alcohol cleverly disguised as eggnog and mix well..and enjoy the results. I’m lucky enough that my family gets along, and this year, we had everyone (my bro-in-law’s not in Afghanistan this year).

Got any nice stories?

Here’s mine.

Every year, the city where I live has an actual Santa Claus going around giving out gifts to the kiddies that come out to see him. Picture three pickups filled with wrapped toys, one of which also has a huge speaker system belting out Christmas tunes. Then there’s a horse-drawn sleigh (wheel assisted) with a guy dressed as Santa. They go around every year and it’s quite a sight. The sleigh stops right in front of our house, and we all troop out to take pics, video etc…

This year, we decided to change things about. There weren’t any gifts under the tree except those that my son bought and wrapped for his mother. (We’d hidden everything else). So, after supper we hear the speakers blaring and all troop out for the Santa bit *except for two people and the gifts magically appear under the tree. I rushed back in to get there ahead of my son, and prepared the video camera for the event. It couldn’t have been better set up.

On screen: you see my son come in from outside holding onto his gift from Santa. He takes two steps inside towards my mother (who can’t go out because of her health) to show her his gift…then he spots the tree. A squeek excapes his lips and he jumps a bit. Then the gift drops from his hands, he takes one step towards the tree, drops to his knees and hugs the gifts saying Thank you thank you!

*He was worried that he wouldn’t be getting anything because he’d been a pain for a few days prior.

Got it all on video ? Shame that America’s Funniest doesn’t take from Canada, eh! ?

I gotta figure out how to go from video (high8) to DVD or mpeg. ?
my 8 year old brother caught my parents wrapping santa presents this year. my Mom tried to explain that santa/st.nicks spirit is what it's all about, but it was 12:30am and he just woke up to pee.
his quote was
"i'm so tired. and so confused."
We told my son that Santa gets gifts for kids, but adults have to buy their own. (explains all the shopping we have to drag him to).
Well our story is an interesting one to say the least.

Christmas Eve is at the SO's brother place. Got there without a hitch, people began showing up, all was good. Was talking to the sister in law and she mentioned she invited her brother and his girlfriend for the first time in a long time. Why??? He use to be a heavy drinker but stopped.

Well, he showed up to the house drunk. The sister in law was pissed off. From the moment he got there, he was making fun of people, being loud and obnoxious, just all together a pain in the ass.

Next thing you know, his girlfriend rushing out of the living room balling her eyes out. Her blouse is ripped, buttons missing, etc.

He decided to take out some anger on her. He told her she was showing too much skin (she was covered to her neck and wearing pants) and called her a whore etc.

The girls of the house were calming her down while the asshole was in the living room. Next thing you know, he comes rushing into the kitchen trying to get to her to beat her up. Well, instead he was beaten up by his sister, I was the bodyguard for his girlfriend and even his niece was about to punch him out. Next thing we know he's being dragged by the SO's brother outside.

A cab was called and he was taken away.

We didn't let him spoil the rest of the evening. We continued to have a good time once all was over and the girlfriend through him out of her house yesterday.

And that my friends was my Christmas Eve!
Got it all on video ? Shame that America’s Funniest doesn’t take from Canada, eh! ?
They do! One winner was boy from Alberta who put a fake dog poop on the floor and his Mom was completely freaked out! Send it in~~!!
Rob was tricked into thinking his sister wouldn't be at Christmas dinner but she was. Everything went okay though...but he wasn't amused.
Got it all on video ? Shame that America’s Funniest doesn’t take from Canada, eh! ?

I gotta figure out how to go from video (high8) to DVD or mpeg. ?

I believe Canada is part of America, is it not? Unfortunately, America's Funniest is no longer being produced, AFAIK...
I believe Canada is part of America, is it not? Unfortunately, America's Funniest is no longer being produced, AFAIK...

Well...there's American (North and South) and then there's American (USA). I get the feeling that they're talkign about the latter.
Scott's grandson Zach, age 3, woke up at 2 am christmas eve, opened every present in the house, including mom and dads, ate all the goodies in the stockings, and then proceeded to take sissors and cut his bangs..........LMAO, although his MOM was quite upset christmas day, this is definetly a story they will never forget!:grinyes:
2 words - Baby gate.

I still have gates up on the 2 rooms leading to the girls bedroom area. They can scale them but they know it's their ass if they do without a fire alarm going off or someone choking etc.
2 words - Baby gate.

I still have gates up on the 2 rooms leading to the girls bedroom area. They can scale them but they know it's their ass if they do without a fire alarm going off or someone choking etc.

tell me about it, I told them they needed to get one of those doggy pens and lock him in it! I did feel sorry for his daughter, but kids will be kids.