Christ's resurrection, a myth or history?


HeXp£Øi± said:
3. Miracles are not possible.

Miracles are what are currently, scientifically unexplainable so they are quite possible. Doesn't mean that God or gods did them though.
I believe all religon to be a form of opression on man, designed to subjugate people and brainwash them from rational thought. All this war and bullshit about religion is pointless and i laugh at the stupid idiots who kill themselves over it. As for the supernatural and life after death, i do believe its possible, but i believe its due to science moreso and maybe one day we shall have an explanation.
I believe all religon to be a form of opression on man, designed to subjugate people and brainwash them from rational thought.
You forgot "opiate of the masses" (one of my favorites) and a crutch for those not willing to take responsibility for their own existence. But hey, that's just my opinion.

Miracles are what are currently, scientifically unexplainable so they are quite possible. Doesn't mean that God or gods did them though.
Just because I can't explain something doesn't make it unexplainable, right?
chcr said:
Just because I can't explain something doesn't make it unexplainable, right?

100 years ago miraculous would've been to fly from NYC to LA is 4.5 hours. Today it's commonplace. 1000 years ago it would've been heresay. Perspective.
Simply put, they are so dependant on the church for everyday life decisions that it would seem they've given up and let the church take over their lives and are just going along with it, not having relationships/ life experiences that 'normal' people would have.
Thanks Justin. Clearly, not everyone who subscribes to a religion is that way, but a significant number are. I have actually had people ask me "If your an atheist, who tells you what's right or wrong?":retard:
chcr said:
Thanks Justin. Clearly, not everyone who subscribes to a religion is that way, but a significant number are. I have actually had people ask me "If your an atheist, who tells you what's right or wrong?":retard:

I've been told even better, "if there's no God, then why we should be good?"

Some people just need a religion in order to be forced to do the right thing, an atheist just goes by its moral and ethic code.
It's sad when people are so closed minded that they have to turn any thread that may mention religon into a chopping block for their fears. Oh really wasn't going far anyway.
Hex, I'm not sure I know what you mean. I'm not afraid of anything to do with religion. I do feel sorry for people who let it dominate their lives to that extent, but that's their choice. It's not my place to interfere, but neither am I afraid to state my own beliefs. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you completely?
Me too Hex. Just because I don't follow an organized religion doesn't mean I don't recognize and respect your choice to do so. It also does not mean I'm afraid of it. Would you care to explain your last statement a bit more?
My point is that some people can't seem to refrain from lashing out at religion every chance they get. It's immature and unnecessary. I really don't think any of you will be mistaken for a christian if you fail to dump your harsh feelings against religous people at every single point where you see an opportunity. This thread had nothing to do with pushing anything on any of you but contained certain points i wished to discuss with any interested parties. You guys that have been here for awhile already know that i'm a christian and you also know that i've always respected your space and that i never try to push anything on anyone and yet you for some reason still feel you need to trash my thread with such repetitious opinions. It just gets old...
Sorry you got derailed, Hex. I think most people have trouble with seperating a religious element from religion for purpose of discussion. Its like what I said about trying to speak of Israel vs. Jewish. Sooner or later it melds....
Yeah...i should have known better in the first place. Oh well, guess i'll move onto something less controversial like talking fish.
If you would get bashed daily by catholics for being an atheist, you would understand my need to attack their religion.

Not that i'm against you Hex, it is like an automatic reaction.
Hex, I didn't intend to "lash out" at religion in general, I'm sorry you misunderstood. However, I would like to point out that everywhere I've ever lived in America, everyone has always assumed I was christian until or unless I mentioned otherwise. The talking fish thing was interesting regardless of your beliefs though, wasn't it.