Clean as a whistle


Well-Known Member
If there was a cheap, painless, permanent way to rid yourself of all body hair, save head and facial, would you do it? Never ever have a single adult hair again?

How about if there was some pain, or cost? What price, what pain would be acceptable to be as bare as a baby's butt?
Why not facial? Unabrows, ear hairs etc would be popular with some people. Hell...I'd like to get rid of neck and cheek hairs...I hate shaving there and I have no plans to let it grow there anytime.

Other than that...I'm OK with what I've got.
The key word is permanent. You'd never, ever have a nad hair again. Showering at the gym, looking like a 12 year old. A big 12, granted. New girl, same thing.
I have no problem with body hair. Besides the mandatory places I have some on my legs, specially on calves.

No back or chest hair.
I'd do it. I'd hope that the cost wouldn't be too much of course. Of course I wouldn't want to get rid of head, facial, but the rest of my body, sure.
No. I like to have some for the gynecologist's visits. Weird, I know, but there it is.
Did you ever figure out a way to make yourself completely hairless?
I wasn't looking. I was looking to see who would want it. Given that Unc was the only one 100% on board, with Uki limiting herself financially against it ....?
I'd want it. Although I would like to keep my head of hair and eyebrows, the rest could be gone.

I could probably put up with a lot of pain for it too, if it was guaranteed and not something that was going to send me to an early grave.

I'd pay a couple of thousand for it. About as much as getting my eyes lasered.