For the same reason you are so willing to believe whatever is told you.
I don't believe all that is told to me. I understand that the temp of the world has only gone up 1 degree on average in the last 10 years. I understand that people are jumping on this "green" bandwagon because Leo DiCaprio did and not understanding what they are truley doing. I thought that I had said that. Did you read that?
What I don't get (other than the reasoning the Prof gave, which is a very good one) is why it is such a big deal to convince everyone to stop their efforts. Some of us are making a true effort wihtout listening to all the hype. Some of us are not just blindly following this GW bandwagon and ignoring the political issues that face our world. Again, I thought I had said that too...hmm...funny how one only reads what they want to.
If people want to make a concious effort to tread lightly on the earth as all of the enviro issues we face are ultimatly linked, why bother them? As long as we aren't boosting our own career on Oprah and have an agreement with Toyota to sell more hybrid cars, I am not sure what the big deal is.
I do the things that I do not because I was told and I mindlessly followed. I do the things I do because using less is a guarenteed way to help our problems on the earth whether they are natural or man made. Who is going to tell me that using less gas is wrong because there is no such thing as man made GW? If GW is natural, what is wrong with me trying not to add to it?
I am not arguing the study. There very well could be truth to the study. Everything we know as fact to this day has had more than one theory behind it. Remember when people were convinced the earth was flat? I am only trying to figure out why the agenda to convince everyone that nothing needs to be done about GW is so important. Even if the temp of the world rises only one degree every 10 years. In 500 years, that is going to be serious. Why are you trying to tell me that "crossing that bridge if/when we come to it" is the best policy?"
Okay. Let me try this.
When I was in grade school in the 1950s we were told that the Earth was warming. This was due to the fact that we are still coming out of the last major ice age 16,000 years ago.
Since that time, we have had several warming and cooling perionds which were brought to being without the help of mankind.
Of the warming periods, several have been higher than what we are experiencing now. At one point, wine grapes were grown in England.
The polar bears survived the warming then; but we are told that they are going to drown into extinction this time.
It has now been proven beyond any doubt whatsoever that CO2
LAGS warming yet the GW fanatics still insist that it is CO2 which is driving GW.
More and more scientists are beginning to question the validity of AGW and are calling for further study; yet the GW fanatics continue to claim that there is a consensus and the debate is over.
The GW fanatics are making big bucks from GW and
that is what this is about. GW has become a big business and it will continue to grow. Global carbon taxes, the UN wanting Kyoto for everyone, the economies of whole developed nations going in the toilet, trillions spent on something over which we have no control; and for what? Power. Raw unbridled power.
I have no problem with anyone "treading lightly" upon the Earth but that is a personal choice. I do not try to get anyone to drive what I drive; or live like I live; or eat like I eat. I live my life and I leave other people alone.
Does anyone believe that
banning the Edison incandescent light bulb will do a single thing to stem GW? We are told that the Compact Flourescent Lamps are far superior and less polluting. What they do
IS pollute the Earth -- the real Earth -- with mercury.
Does anyone, besides stupid politicians, believe that ethanol is the answer to petroleum fuels? Have you seen your food bill lately? That is being driven by ethanol.
Even beer is affected.
Milk, eggs, meat, chicken, sodas, etc. are all on the rise due to the ethanol craze. Don't forget to take the
"Seek & Find" test.
As developed industrialized nations are being required to cut back on their economies to reduce global warming, developing nations like
India and China, which have about half the world's population, have no controls at all through the Kyoto Treaty.
China is building two coal powered power plants per week. The pollution from those plants
will have global consequences.
How about India.
They are also placing their faith in coal fired power plants.
In the meantime, the economies of the developed countries are in peril.
The fact that there has been absolutely no warming since 1998 is also causing scientists to believe that there is a reversal coming.
Check out this page and see a running clock on how much Kyoto has cost us and how much potential temperature savings that amount has purchased. Is it worth 100 TRILLION dollars to theoretically reduce the global temperature by 1 °C?
Even the unflappable Brits have stated that
to simply stop -- not reverse -- GW would cost fully HALF of the world's GDP; or about €13 TRILLION.
It all comes down to this:
How much of your wealth, and the wealth of your progeny, are you willing to spend?
How many of your freedoms and liberties, and those of your progeny, are you willing to sacrifice?
Are you willing to live under global governance; and what that will bring to your progeny?
If reducing GW would mean that your progeny would live in slavery; would you believe that that would be a fair price to pay?