
Actually Alfie pointed
out a most disconcerting
biological fact there.

We all start out as goil's. there's something that happens in utero that makes the penis grow from a clitoris...I wonder if it's the same change that's responsible for short attention spans and aggressive driving.
tonksy said: there's something that happens in utero that makes the penis grow from a clitoris...I wonder if it's the same change that's responsible for short attention spans and aggressive driving.

Hmm...interesting correlation. Womens short attention span and aggressive driving tendencies come from the lack of a penis. I always wondered why sex has a calming influence on women, and now I know. ;)
I would have thought it would be a "GET IT OFF ME! GET IT OFF ME!" burn, with as sensitive as the skin is there.

My ex-brother-in-law once used Icy Hot, then didn't wash his hands before going pee. that was a funny story. :D
I am accustomed to muscle rubs on the rest of my body so maybe my brain dampened (no pun intended) the effect.