Clockwork Orange

I thought that the 'suicide' scene was particularly poignant. The ultimate violence...I won't ruin the whole movie by talking any more. I'll just sit here and have me 'eggy-wegs'...
some funny thinngs i found about it was the bar they went to was called Kosovo which is Russian for cow. that was a real horrorshow. the book was far better than the movie i thought. but they both rocked.

Read the Mad version when I was a child, went to a costume party as a droog one year for Halloween while in college, read the first couple pages of the book around the same time but couldn't quite get into it, didn't see the movie until sometime within the past 5 yrs.

Kubrik is a god... of the Cthonic pantheon, but a god nonetheless. Spartacus is still my favorite movie by him. I think he may have done a little too much acid later in life.

Dave... what are you doing? You're scaring me Dave.