Closing a door


Well-Known Member
...with 2X3s and drywall...That's my mission today.

Aah...the joy of putting up a wall solo. Wish me luck...hopefully I won't close up a cat in there or something ;)

*If I get that done, I have to fix an electric heater (which damn near caught fire) and put shrink-plastic on my windows. Joy!
Top floor...the old office which is becomming a baby room.

Ran into the first 'issue' the wal in question is 1/8" thicker than regular walls. I've got the 2X3s flush to the baby-room wall..the other side is an entryway.

Two the second pic, the red line is the space between the edge of the 2X3 and the inside edge of the existing drywall.
Pain in the ass...but there's SFA that I can do about it save for leaving that 1/8th" open and placing a 1/4round over it to hide the spot.
:confuse: 2X3? We use 2X4's here..which are actually a bit thinner. Could your previous owner have done the same?
Gato_Solo said:
:confuse: 2X3? We use 2X4's here..which are actually a bit thinner. Could your previous owner have done the same?
2X4's for outside walls and 2X3's for inside walls.

It's the width that's the issue, not the thickness. I wouldn't put using unusual methods past the previous owner.

Hell....last year I finished repairing a floor downstairs where he'd used 2X2s and 1/2"ply for the shimmed it up with loose scrap wood.
MrBishop said:
2X4's for outside walls and 2X3's for inside walls.

It's the width that's the issue, not the thickness. I wouldn't put using unusual methods past the previous owner.

Hell....last year I finished repairing a floor downstairs where he'd used 2X2s and 1/2"ply for the shimmed it up with loose scrap wood.

If that's the case, he might've ripped down a larger piece because he hadn't bought enough of the correct stock. You may have to do the same.

Old military proverb..."There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it over." :rolleyes:
Well...isn't that special. Fuck but I hate renovating sometimes!
Lunch is over..tiem to go back upstairs and see WTF I have to deal with.
MrBishop said:
Well...isn't that special. Fuck but I hate renovating sometimes!
Lunch is over..tiem to go back upstairs and see WTF I have to deal with.

Sorry for the bad news...On the bright side, you can always try to space out a bit more...Just dry-fit first to see if it will work. If not, follow his plan, and stuff the gap with fiberglass insulation. :shrug:
Well....I took off a bit of the existing drywall and found out WTF happened. Seems that he started with a 2X4 for most of the wall and went to 2X3 when he created the door that I'm closing up. He used bits of cut plywood (stacked and screwed in place) to turn a 2X3 into an 'almost' 2X4 and curved the wall to fit. I can't correct it without removing part of the wall and the stairway entrance.

So I can't use 2X4 cause it's too wide and removing the plywood means breaking far more than I'd planned.'ll be 2X3's with a nice wall on one side and a slightly crooked wall on the other.

If I knew where he now lived, I'd show him the difference between a 2X3 and a 2X4 ... personal like. Drive the point in!
MrBishop said:
Well....I took off a bit of the existing drywall and found out WTF happened. Seems that he started with a 2X4 for most of the wall and went to 2X3 when he created the door that I'm closing up. He used bits of cut plywood (stacked and screwed in place) to turn a 2X3 into an 'almost' 2X4 and curved the wall to fit. I can't correct it without removing part of the wall and the stairway entrance.

So I can't use 2X4 cause it's too wide and removing the plywood means breaking far more than I'd planned.'ll be 2X3's with a nice wall on one side and a slightly crooked wall on the other.

If I knew where he now lived, I'd show him the difference between a 2X3 and a 2X4 ... personal like. Drive the point in!

Now, now. Fix now, obsess later. I kinda figured he'd ham-fisted the job when I saw the gap. That's why I also suggested dry-fitting the new pieces first to check your distances...if you can. If the gap is still present, use the insulation trick I mentioned. How you cover the gap will be up to you.
crystal scan said:
that sounds like a hard job:swing:
Not usually...I've put up drywall before with little problem. I usually give any job a 10% fuckup extension. If I think it'll take 2 hours, I schedule 2hours 15 minutes or so....this time, I should've counted in a 100% extension :p

The walls are up..tomorrow...filling in the cracks, taping up and refilling. Wednesday...sanding. Next weekend...painting. Joy!
MrBishop said:
Not usually...I've put up drywall before with little problem. I usually give any job a 10% fuckup extension. If I think it'll take 2 hours, I schedule 2hours 15 minutes or so....this time, I should've counted in a 100% extension :p

The walls are up..tomorrow...filling in the cracks, taping up and refilling. Wednesday...sanding. Next weekend...painting. Joy!
cool :D
PT said:
You could always use a piece of thicker drywall on the one side.
I worked it so that I only have about 1/8th" difference along some of the joint... shouldn't be too bad to fill it in with a few thin coats.
Nice idea though!
MrBishop said:
I worked it so that I only have about 1/8th" difference along some of the joint... shouldn't be too bad to fill it in with a few thin coats.
Nice idea though!

so how was your day today :evilcool:
crystal scan said:
oh joy you, the one who loves to click :bad karma: on me :mad:
Only when you deserve it, my boy. Tell you what, I'll make you a deal. Try to actually contribute to one discussion not about fans and I'll give you some good karma.

ps. By contribute I mean actually say something about the relevant topic. Yes, it is off-topic central, but you take it to the extreme.