Coffee, Jacques, Gerhardt, Vladmir, Saddam


molṑn labé
Staff member
Those are a small sampling of the names involved in the oil for food scandal. The scandal that the UN is covering up. Didja notice the missing names?

WASHINGTON -- Over more than a decade, Saddam Hussein's government raised more than $21.3 billion in illegal revenue by subverting U.N. sanctions against Iraq including the humanitarian oil-for-food program, congressional investigators estimated Monday.

That's double the $10 billion the Iraqi president previously was alleged to have siphoned off. The earlier estimate included only the oil-for-food program. The new, higher number includes illicit profits from efforts like the illegal smuggling of oil in the years of sanctions that preceded the humanitarian program that began in 1996.

"The magnitude of fraud perpetrated by Saddam Hussein in contravention of U.N. sanctions and the oil-for-food program is staggering," Sen. Norm Coleman, R-Minn., said Monday as his Senate Government Affairs permanent subcommittee on investigations began a hearing on the subject.

"This is like an onion -- we just keep uncovering more layers and more layers," he said.

New figures on Iraq's alleged surcharges, kickbacks and oil-smuggling are based on new documents obtained by the committee's investigative panel. The documents illustrate how Iraqi officials, foreign companies and sometimes politicians allegedly contrived to bring vast illicit gains to Saddam's government and how he tried to buy support abroad for a move to get the United Nations to lift sanctions, officials said.

Perhaps the biggest problem with the humanitarian program was that it allowed Saddam to decide who would get oil contracts, said Charles Duelfer, the last chief U.S. arms inspector in Iraq who also studied
Saddam's efforts to subvert sanctions.

Giving the Iraqi president discretion over contracts "was the largest lever that we offered him," Duelfer told the committee.

In March, the congressional General Accounting Office, now called the Government Accountability Office, said Saddam's government had siphoned $10 billion from oil sales.

Congressional investigators said they arrived at double that number in figures released Monday partly by considering an expanded period, from 1991 to 2003, rather than counting only from the 1996 beginning of the oil-for-food program.

That project was implemented to alleviate the humanitarian effect of the sanctions on average Iraqis.

Sanctions began Aug. 6, 1990, four days after Saddam's lightning conquest of Kuwait.

The $21.3 billion included $3.9 billion from oil smuggling before the oil-for-food program and $17.3 billion from abuses during the program.

The $17 billion was broken down like this:

$9.7 billion from oil smuggling.

$4.4 billion in kickbacks on humanitarian goods contracts.

$241 million in illegal surcharges on oil sales.

$2.1 billion from accepting substandard goods and paying inflated prices for them.

$403 million from overseas investment of illicit income.

Coleman said the investigation is just beginning and criticized the United Nations for not providing documents and access to officials involved in the program.

Getting to the bottom of the allegations will, among other things, help countries design future sanctions programs better, said the subcommittee's ranking Democrat, Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan.

He also said that "for the most part," the decadelong sanctions "achieved their intended objective of preventing Saddam from rearming and developing weapons of mass destruction."

Saddam's military spending plummeted after sanctions were imposed to a fraction of what it had been, he said. He said three-quarters of the Iraqi president's illicit income was from publicly disclosed trade agreements with neighboring countries that the world well knew about "but winked at."

By comparison, he said, only 16 percent of his illicit funds came from his contravention of the humanitarian program.

Mark L. Greenblatt, the subcommittee's counsel, told the committee that Saddam tried to manipulate the oil allocation process to gain influence throughout the world.

Rather than giving allocations to traditional oil purchasers, Saddam gave them to foreign officials, journalists, even terrorist entities, who sold their allocations to oil companies in return for sizable commissions, he said.

The reference to terrorist groups referred to evidence that Saddam had allocated oil to such organizations as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and the Mujahadeen Khalq, a group seeking to overthrow the government of Saddam's enemy, Iran, Greenblatt said.

According to documents, the Iraqi government signed deals to import rotting food and other damaged goods with the full understanding of the exporting companies, who accepted payments for top-quality products while kicking back much of the price difference to the Iraqis.

Drawing from anecdotal information, the congressional investigators estimated that such substandard goods accounted for 5 percent of all goods imported under the oil-for-food program.

In addition to several congressional probes into the oil-for-food program, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker heads a panel conducting an independent investigation.

Thank you for calling the White House...the people that you are trying to reach cannot comment on the matter at this moment, they are having their records dry-cleaned, please leave your name and number and we'll get back to you as soon as we can....BEEEEEEEEEEP!!
For all the complaints about Bush & Co, there have been surprisingly few facts to back up baseless charges.
About 2,200 companies in the U.N. oil-for-food program, including corporations in the United States, France, Germany and Russia, paid a total of $1.8 billion in kickbacks and illicit surcharges to Saddam Hussein's government, a U.N.-backed investigation said in a report released Thursday.

Other so-called "political beneficiaries" included British lawmaker George Galloway; Roberto Formigoni, the president of the Lombardi region in Italy, and the Rev. Jean-Marie Benjamin, a priest who once worked as an assistant to the Vatican secretary of state and became an activist for lifting Iraqi sanctions.

Vladimir Zhirinovsky, who heads Russia's Liberal Democratic Party, received millions of barrels of oil he could turn around and sell for a profit, the report said. Iraqi Oil Ministry records show that 4.3 million barrels were allocated to Alexander Voloshin, who at the time was chief of staff in the administration of Russia's president. Both Voloshin and Zhirinovsky have denied any wrongdoing.

War for oil huh?

Gonz said:
Those are a small sampling of the names involved in the oil for food scandal. The scandal that the UN is covering up. Didja notice the missing names?

Well see what happened is that those names are so GOOD at scandal and coverup, that the others wanted to play without them.