Cold and Flu Cures

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
As it's that time of year and some of us are suffering from the above mentioned, how about giving us your best home cures to try out?

Mine is:

The juice of a couple of lemons with hot (not quite boiling) water and plenty of honey to taste and a good tot (or 3) of whiskey.

Well it makes me feel better!:D
unclehobart said:
I go from cold air to hot bath over and over until my system flushes out most of the crud ... lotsa fluids.

Urgggh! I'll stick with my cure...

I've just been given a complimentary fart for posting! :eek: :lol:
Take some pills, but only if the flu/cold is very very bad.......otherwise, just let the body heal itself.
If it was spring I'd make some Elderflower Cordial(a natural decongestant). Guess I'll just have to remember to do it this spring.
unless i have really important things to concentrate on, i never take medicines....i always try to let my body take care of it itself.
Shadowfax said:
unless i have really important things to concentrate on, i never take medicines....i always try to let my body take care of it itself.

I rarely take medicines but because of my asthma I always have a flu jab in the autumn so that I rarely get flu, but colds always end up giving me sinusitis or a chest infection if I'm not very careful. I prefer natural remedies to shop bought drugs and usually I just take them at night 'cos that's when it gets hard to breathe - I've got 4 pillows and a back-rest at the moment as I can't lie down.
Sod medicines, sod pills. Drink BEER! :D

Seriously, I find alcohol helps a lot, obviously don't binge or anything. It works for me with Colds - not sure about anything more serious like the Flu or anything. Works incredibly well for mouth ulcers too.

Maybe it's psychological - believe me and it'll work :headbang:
CenturionStrategy said:
Sod medicines, sod pills. Drink BEER! :D

Maybe it's psychological - believe me and it'll work :headbang:

nick takes beer for everything. he's an official drunkard. stress, drink beer. hungry, drink beer. thirsty, drink beer. ill, drink beer. always the same.

i was forced to drink a "hot toddy" by the mother of an ex girlfriend, same stuff as the concoction you make, but with paracetamol in there too. quite foul.

i reccommend beechams powders. works for me.
Heh, I'm rather healthy... And I have an excellent immune system. I have not had flu for several years now, and I don't offhand remember the last time I've had a cold or sore throat. I haven't taken any medication since I turned 11, except for my wisdom teeth and when they pulled some other teeth (I wore braces when younger).
I find that Orange Juice does the trick for me, Lots of Orange Juice, as soon as I feel something coming on, I'll drink a half gallon to a gallon, usually feel better pretty quick.
Maybe because of the benefits the body defenses get from the ascorbic acid (vit C)