comic books


Well-Known Member
i bought a new comic book price guide the other day and dragged out my 2 boxes of comics.
there were 2 in there that i had bought at an old department store for the tidy sum of 5/$1. (they still had the tag on them, which i carefully removed.)
they are now worth $135 apiece!!! have one other worth $100, 4 worth $75 and a couple of dozen in the $10-40 range.
the prices were for pristine copies of course. mine aren't pristine but they are in very good shape so its about 10-15% less according to the book.

i dont even want to think about the value of a box of comics my parents threw away when i was a kid. (we were moving and it was time to get rid of some clutter)
Those are dealer prices. Good luck trying to get half that. Your best recourse might be Ebay if youre looking to move them.
oh i know. i've held onto the more valuable ones for 20 or so years now. i'll keep them for now. :)
Funny, I was discussing this very subject with the missus tonight. I bought Fantastic Four #199 new the week Grease was in the cinema. That copy was lost to the ravages of a kid's bedroom. Later when I was collection serious like, I bought it again, paying something like $25 for it. That was nearly 20 years ago.

I gave all my comics to an old friend, who still has them. Must have been worth $2000 when I gave them to him, 15 years back. I had a lot of collectors items. The full Secret Wars series (I and II) with all the tie ins. Most if not all, of the mutant wars saga. Wolverine #1. Magik, full and complete. New mutants, full.

Yup. Lotta cash there.
I sold all of mine back in 87. Lots of 2 digit X Mex all the way up to the 150s; The original Punisher miniseries and TMNT.
As a kid, I read several comics religiously. I probably had well over 500 & guess where they all ended up....yep-the trash can. :(
i only collected a few comics like the one where superman died and some of the special series darkhorse comics. I look them up once in a while and wish i could really find someone willing to pay what the book says.
I stay more into the cards. mainly baseball, but have all different kinds. unfortunately those are the same waywhen it comes to real worth.
nice.. i've got the crisis on infinite earths comics from the 80's still i think, where tons of people got cancelled out. Got the Doomsday series and death too, you got the Darkhorse predator vs. Superman ones too Sam?
I have a 1939 Rupert Bear Book - More Little Bear Stories - which I bought for £0.20 at a village fete, that has been valued @ £250-£400. Not a bad return on my investment... but I'm too fond of it to sell it. :)
samcurry said:
i only collected a few comics like the one where superman died

That's the only one I have. I think comics and baseball card collecting are more boy things than girl things. Rusty's parents found an old box of his stuff and gave it to us last year. It had a whole bunch of baseball cards, Star Wars figures, a Garfield phone (don't ask)... But he sold most of his baseball card collection years ago while he was in college for food money. :)

The only think I collect that might have any value is Swarovski crystal and old Stephen King books. :shrug:
My brother has just got me the 2 complete sets of LOTR figures from Kinder Surprise plus the special Treebeard and Saruman figures - there are 22 figures in all, plus all the paper work for each figure - they were not available here - for 50 euros. They were only sold on the continent - Germany, France, Belgium, for about 3 months and are no longer available. I may be one of only a few collectors with a set in this country. He has promised to get me the set for the 3rd film when it becomes available.

Kinder surprise is a chocolate/white choc egg with a toy in the middle btw. :)
Still have about 2-3000 comics downstairs despite the pile that mum threw out about 10 years ago. :(

I should ebay them and see...the Xmen, Spiderman, DD, and Hulk ones should have nice asking prices now, eh?:evilsmok:
Spot said:
i dont even want to think about the value of a box of comics my parents threw away when i was a kid. (we were moving and it was time to get rid of some clutter)

My mother gave away my huge collection of original star wars figures. I know how it feels knowing the current worth of such items.... Gah :retard3:
Inkara1 said:
It would have sucked even more if they'd been in your basement the other night.
MrBishop said:
Still have about 2-3000 comics downstairs

See the connection? careful :D

Inky, had that been the case...:battle:
Gonz said:
See the connection? careful

Hehehe...yeah **Runs downstairs to rescue his comics**


Sorry Tarzan...

(huff puff puff)

There..all better

Thanks :)