How does print media portray mental illness and suicide in Nova Scotia? [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To obtain current and accurate information The Anti-Stigma/Discrimination Working Group of the Department of Health - Mental Health Services in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Nova Scotia Division are launching a 6 month initiative to monitor print media in Nova Scotia. This initiative is open to all citizens of Nova Scotia using two checklists available on the web page and various locations in the community. Each entry will be eligible for a cash prize in each of the categories of mental illness and suicide. Entries may identify both positive and negative portrayals. [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stigma is defined as a "mark of shame or discredit." There is a high level of stigma associated with mental illness due to lack of knowledge, misinformation and fear. Stigma against people with a mental illness often involves negative labels, or inaccurate and offensive representations in the media, portraying this population as violent, comical or incompetent.