Coming to Canada

while I like the idea of not insulting the mental illness this is not the way to do the right thing. it almost seems like tehy are desparate to get people on their side

Is our little liberal poster child beginning to see the truth?
Professur said:
Nazism at it's most fun.

Check out the two checklists you can use to rat out local media. And notice that prizes are awarded if you're willing to not be anonymous.

How is this Nazism again?

They're asking people to either clip articles or web-sites which mention mental illness (positive or negative) nad bring it to their attention...not "Rat out the local media"

Where exaclty do you get your grade of paranoia,'s a far higher grade than most peoples?

They can't afford a corporate 'news clipping' service, so they've made up a contest in order to get people to do the work for them, for free.

Not sure if you're aware of this type of service...but it's legal and quite profiteable...and used by many major corporations. They pay another company to capture/clip any and all news stories that mention them (including radio/newspapers/tv/internet) . so that they're abreast of their corporate image.

Therre are web-bots that do the same thing for you. (News bots etc.)

In this case...they want an idea of how the media is treating mental illness and suicide...not to attack the media but to get a grip on the spin that media is putting on these two items.
MrBishop said:
How is this Nazism again?

They're asking people to either clip articles or web-sites which mention mental illness (positive or negative) nad bring it to their attention...not "Rat out the local media"

Where exaclty do you get your grade of paranoia,'s a far higher grade than most peoples?

They can't afford a corporate 'news clipping' service, so they've made up a contest in order to get people to do the work for them, for free.

Not sure if you're aware of this type of service...but it's legal and quite profiteable...and used by many major corporations. They pay another company to capture/clip any and all news stories that mention them (including radio/newspapers/tv/internet) . so that they're abreast of their corporate image.

Therre are web-bots that do the same thing for you. (News bots etc.)

In this case...they want an idea of how the media is treating mental illness and suicide...not to attack the media but to get a grip on the spin that media is putting on these two items.

while I for the most part agree with you, they are basically forcing people to join their side. they wont let the other side have a say. at all. they are doing it again to get people on their side and attack the media. Nazis didnt allow for anything but their own way. Nazism would be tactics the nazis used in WWII and prior
freako104 said:
while I for the most part agree with you, they are basically forcing people to join their side. they wont let the other side have a say. at all. they are doing it again to get people on their side and attack the media. Nazis didnt allow for anything but their own way. Nazism would be tactics the nazis used in WWII and prior

How does print media portray mental illness and suicide in Nova Scotia? [font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]To obtain current and accurate information The Anti-Stigma/Discrimination Working Group of the Department of Health - Mental Health Services in partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association, Nova Scotia Division are launching a 6 month initiative to monitor print media in Nova Scotia. This initiative is open to all citizens of Nova Scotia using two checklists available on the web page and various locations in the community. Each entry will be eligible for a cash prize in each of the categories of mental illness and suicide. Entries may identify both positive and negative portrayals. [/font]
[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Stigma is defined as a "mark of shame or discredit." There is a high level of stigma associated with mental illness due to lack of knowledge, misinformation and fear. Stigma against people with a mental illness often involves negative labels, or inaccurate and offensive representations in the media, portraying this population as violent, comical or incompetent.

They're monitoring print media, both positive and negative in order to obtain current and accurate information.

There's nothing here about forcing the media to portray the news their way, nor is there anything here about punishing the media. It's voluntary...not forced labour.

I'm not sure where you're getting "Not letting the other side have a all." - it's a study f'r crissakes, not a legal battle. Please don't breathe any more into this than is's a study. Anything more is pure conjecture on your part...unproven, and a fine example of a slippery-slope.
Bish, try something for me, willya? Actually read what's on those pages. Read it. Then look at it again. You might find that you've been subtly directed in your thinking. It's marketing at it's best. A wonderful example of your beloved psychology. And you haven't even noticed it yet.
Professur said:
Bish, try something for me, willya? Actually read what's on those pages. Read it. Then look at it again. You might find that you've been subtly directed in your thinking. It's marketing at it's best. A wonderful example of your beloved psychology. And you haven't even noticed it yet.

I had read them...they're asking why an article was sent in and asking the people to do some of the leg work by asking them questions. You might consider it leading...and it's a weakness of statistical data, but hardly as malevolent as you make it sound.
Professur said:
Then you're already caught in their web. PDF.

So...what can I expect from my captors then?
Shall I have my opinions on freedom of the press stripped away and replaced by more PC ideologies? Shall I be forced to revisit my opinions on mental health/illness and their treatment by the media?
Shall I be tied down to a chair and forced to listen to Bethoven whilst watching violent images flash before my forceably-opened eyes?

It's a fairly dull-tool for mindwashing, don'tcha think?
MrBishop said:
Shall I be tied down to a chair and forced to listen to Bethoven whilst watching violent images flash before my forceably-opened eyes?

Hey. Let's leave L'il Alex out of this, shall we? ;)
A.B.Normal said:
Too lazy to start a new thread ,but while Prof is being paranoid thought I'd add this Patriot Act

this is going to sound contradictory to what I said earlier in this thread but the Patriot Act is just a lump of BS to limit rights.

Bish when I read it I got that they are trying to get only their say. not monitor it for any other reason
Gato_Solo said:
Hey. Let's leave L'il Alex out of this, shall we? ;)