Committee: Blair didn't intentionally mislead lawmakers on Iraq

the part i find most disturbing is the amount of vitriol poured toward the french and germans for seeking alternative solutions to the situation. it may be that their view of the threat was a far better assesment than ours, but rather than listen and talk about it the decision for war had already been made and there was no going back.

i'm saddened to see that we have become bullies, conceited and arrogant in our ivory tower, affecting the world with our ignorant self-service.
Not only the French and German's ris, but what about dissenters in our own countries?

I don't know about you, but the large group of US citizens against the war were accused of being un-american, hating america, un-patriotic, communist, and Saddam-lovers.

Not to mention the hatred and violence proposed against the actual protestors in the street.
And much of that took place right here in this forum...I don't blame those who believed him. Cripes, the assumption would be that you can trust your government in this situation. But to turn a blind eye now....please.
not all were considered anti american or unpatriotic flav. some were. others who opposed the war not for attention(some did that and gave us a bad name it made me ashamed to be anti war) but those with legit reasons werent called anti american by any means.

i do agree with ris that america became a bully as of late. as much as I hate to say it we have become bullies. we even as flavio said dissenters in our country.
I think this whole sorry mess has done great damage not just to international relations, but to our belief and faith in our leaders and it has caused internal divisions in individual countries which will take a long time to heal.
if it does heal. i hate to say it that way but this maybe remembered as squig has said previously as another Vietnam
I think this whole sorry mess has done great damage not just to international relations, but to our belief and faith in our leaders and it has caused internal divisions in individual countries which will take a long time to heal.

I never really had any faith in our leaders. Nixon cured me of that before I was old enough to vote.
Well, I used to believe that it made a difference who was in power but I've now come to the conclusion that they are all just a bunch of self-serving bastards.

George Orwells "Animal Farm" repeated again and again.
Aunty Em said:
Well, I used to believe that it made a difference who was in power but I've now come to the conclusion that they are all just a bunch of self-serving bastards.

George Orwells "Animal Farm" repeated again and again.

humans are by nature selfish. so yes they are self serving.