Community standards

Assumption...makes as ass out of you and, well, you.
You know, I had this discussion with my teenagers about perception and how they really are responsible for the perception they portray. I wouldn't think I would have to explain it to a grown man, but here we go.

You are responsible for the assumptions people make about you. When you make a statement as such : we throw these twisted perverts into the klink or do we allow them to continue to pollute our minds with trash, lowering the bar for decency?
You are allowing us to assume that there are two choices here, either we throw them in jail, or we allow them to lower the bar of decency for the rest of us. Thats what you said. You can say all you want about how that isn't what you meant, and perhaps that's true. However, you still did it, and you are responsible for it. And really, that whole ass of u and me thing, get over it. When you use that, all you are really trying to do is weasel out of what you said. How about just coming out and saying, ok, you are right, there is obviously the third choice of ignoring it. Nah, that would be too fucking hard for you to admit someone else was right. Go back to your bubble.
I offered two possibilities. I never limited it to that. You two did. I never gave my opinion. I offered up a set of choices...which is how one starts a discussion. When I started this thread, I purposely put that opening line in hoping it'd get people discussing the issue, not my choice of words.
reminds me of the whole thing that's been going on with max hardcore.
i personally think it's bullshit that the obscenity thing even exists anymore. you have consenting adults with credit cards willingly and knowlingly buying this stuff, and dammit, i think that should be allowed. if they were offended by it, they wouldn't buy it. and if im offended, well, i guess it's just lucky i'm probably not going to accidentally stumble upon it someday. i don't really know what they're trying to fight with these kinds of laws. so pointless.
It's simply as case of the self righteous thinking they know what they rest of us should and should not be exposed to.
I would not be into that particular sort of thing so I don't partake. What if the children see? Where the hell were the parents? This stuff isn't available in candy stores or the local library. What if teens or young adults buy it themselves? happens. The best you can do is raise a child to be a respectful intelligent free-thinking individual and allow them to make their own decisions and rationalizations. That's what it's about.
It's simply as case of the self righteous thinking they know what they rest of us should and should not be exposed to.
I would not be into that particular sort of thing so I don't partake. What if the children see? Where the hell were the parents? This stuff isn't available in candy stores or the local library. What if teens or young adults buy it themselves? happens. The best you can do is raise a child to be a respectful intelligent free-thinking individual and allow them to make their own decisions and rationalizations. That's what it's about.

How dare you interject logic into this thread. Begone, woman, begone...lest you raise the level of responsibility for the rest of us...;)

She has a very valid point there. How you get there (responsibility) is another matter, as that would force parents to be actual parents instead of friends who worry about their kids feelings...

Any way..."This is not the thread you're looking for. You may go about your business. Move along, move along..."*plokoon*
This stuff isn't available in candy stores or the local library.

The library has unfetterd access to the internet...

FTR-I agree with long as the standards are in place to verify that children & incapable adults are not harmed.