company parties


Well-Known Member
have a party to go to tomorrow. its emergency nurses week and the boss-lady is throwing a bash for us at a local resturant/bar.

do you go to company parties?

any good stories?
company parties can be fun. you just have to try harder...but then i get drunk and dress up as an elf at christmas've seen the pic.
I laugh at the people that make an ass out of themselves. :D I try not to be that person although impressing people with Keg Stand abilities is not always the best way to do that. :D
Of course I go to company parties! Mainly because I'm the git stuck with having to organise them (hehe - I always kill the budget - me boss reckons I could bankrupt the company all by my lonesome :D)
Last year we had a party at a local hotel which started out ok. The big corporate boss decided to sit right next to me which was a little strange. But after he left, one of the other guys brought in his CD player and speakers and played DJ for the night.

A couple of people (one guy in particular) had a bit too much to drink and made a fool out of himself, trying to dance with all the women. After the dry humping started, I had had enough. Besides the fact that I can count on one hand how many of my co-workers I would want to spend time with outside of work, it just wasn't a good party to me. I'm past the age where drunken stupidity humors me.

So when we got the invitations to this year's party, I politely declined.

Instead, those people I counted on that one hand and I are going out for happy hour one of these weeks. I'd rather have it that way. party. all know by now that I work for the church...the Archbishop's office to be more specific. Every year...we all go to 'Bishop's court', a very posh house/palace where the Archbishop lives and have supper and conversation. Wine flows well and so does the conversation, but it's tough to par-téee with priests as far as the eye can see, the group blessing, etc.... ho hum!
MrBishop said: party. all know by now that I work for the church...the Archbishop's office to be more specific. Every year...we all go to 'Bishop's court', a very posh house/palace where the Archbishop lives and have supper and conversation. Wine flows well and so does the conversation, but it's tough to par-téee with priests as far as the eye can see, the group blessing, etc.... ho hum!

still... sounds more civilized than some of the company parties I've been dragged to... :rolleyes: fortunately, I work for a VERY small business: only 2 of us, so the only company parties I've attended have been as someone's date. I found that if I pretend to be Margaret Mead and simply examine the quaint natives' behaviour, it's not TOO painful... ;)
I've been to loads :)

Can't actually remeber going to any of them......

.......but people have told me I was there :smoke:
I worked from 19-29 for a company that specialized in throwing 600+ mass scale company picnics and whatnot a year nationwide. Needless to say, that made us very hard to please for our own picnics/party.

Every spring we would throw a massive bash that was family oriented and have pretty much every piece of equipment at our disposal set up as well as 20+ subcontractors giving us a freebie demo day to acquiant our sales force with the new offerings for that year. Were talking mass catering with 20 types of ice cream, cake, yogurt, italian ice, every conceivable type of meat and bread and crisps, soda, tea, beer, wine... carnival games, skeet shooting, laser tag, giant inflatable kiddie rides... you pretty much name it.

Every fall we would have the adults party. We would rent a large space like a brewery and have it as a total open bar and have a band play all night that was composed entiely of company staff. We would do any and all manner of cover tunes that anyone could think of. The playlist was usually linited to 50 songs. Our CEO was a total musician that could play about 50 instruments and his basment is a $250,000 recording studio/playpen. He would sing half of the songs and play lead guitar all night with his Paul Reid Smith. I did keyboards for the first 4 years but ended up being the audio/visual man thereafter. I hauled around some seriously expensive camcorders around for 6 hours taping everyone and everything whilst being as drunk as a lord ... not that anyone would notice as they were just as drunk.

This was all on a scale of about 300-400 people.
i was always involved in planning picnics or christmas parties when i was in the navy. seems to be something i'm good at. which is fine, because i know that if i help to plan it, i might actually enjoy it. better than leaving it up to other people.
I work at a law firm and we have a huge associates party every year. Disgruntled, overworked socially inept lawyers + free liquor on the firm = nothing good can come of this.
My ex's dad was a partner in a law firm. The parties were always very interesting. Yes, interesting. Let's put it that way.
I went to our company parties (we call them a Cinq a Sept) when I first go hired, but haven't gone in years. I told the bosses, very simply, "I don't like anyone here enough to be around them without being paid." Fuckers still won't fire me.
our office BBQs are...interesting

after on years party, where we danced (dirty)

and belly shots

and stripteases

we were told we are no longer allowed to bring a blender to make the good drinks.

the christmas parties are even worse
We used to have "Christmas" parties at work (they were in January) here at the Club. We'd have members donate prizes (cash, trips, tv's, etc etc) and the employees would play bingo and have buffet dinner. :s Not so bad, I guess, but not much of a "party" at all. Free beer and wine, which was nice. 'Cept that last year when the table the hubby and I sat at was quite ... grumpy. They complained all night. And the more they complained, the more free, cheap, house wine I drank. Needless to say I was winedrunk and totally sick the next day - couldn't drink a drop of wine in nearly a year.

We've not had a "party" though recently. :( Doubt we will this year, either.