Competitors Challenge MapQuest


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DENVER - Initially, the great thing about Internet mapping programs was their swiftness and ease for obtaining directions, printing them and driving the course you plotted.

Now those Web maps can travel with you, too. And get updated on the road. And, on some wireless handhelds, show you exactly where you are and if, say, an Ethiopian restaurant is anywhere near.

MapQuest Inc., acquired by America Online Inc. in 2000, was the first mover and remains tops in Internet cartography as it heads toward the 10th anniversary of its Web site in February.

"As Google is to search, MapQuest has been to mapping and driving directions," said Greg Sterling of The Kelsey Group, which researches electronic directories and local media.

But a bevy of deep-pocketed competitors threatens.

"Google, Yahoo and MSN are certainly on (its) heels," Sterling said. "MapQuest is in danger if (it doesn't) continue to innovate."

Of all people going to mapping sites, 71 percent visited in September, roughly even from a year ago, according to comScore Media Metrix. Yahoo Inc. (Nasdaq:YHOO - news) drew 32 percent, also about the same as last year, while new arrival Google Inc. had a 25 percent share. (The numbers do not add up to 100 percent because some people visit multiple sites.)

"We're the market leader for a reason," said Tommy McGloin, MapQuest's general manager. "We're paying really close attention to what people want."
Full story here.

Memo to MapQuest: If you want to keep market share, I suggest you quit sending people to the wrong fucking spot. Your accuracy ranges from bad (putting the star across the street and half a block down) to really shitty (being a couple of miles off; I was looking for the high school in Delano, CA and you sent me to the prison). should see what it tried to get me to do in France!

A fuckin mud road across a cow pasture was listed as the way to go from one highway to another...when 3 klicks further(on highway 1), there was a proper thoroughfare leading to highway 2.

but but but, said Mapquest...the mud road was closer!