Congrats to Crystal Scan...


Well-Known Member
...for amassing enough negative karma to be #4 on the least wanted list. (#2 if you count 'real users'). :p
Is there a quick way to see the "list" or do you just have to go to the Members List, sort by karma, and go to the last page?

I'm surprised to see a13antichrist there at #1. Obviously I haven't been a participant here for a long, long time. And although we sometimes disagreed, I remember him as being fairly popular (perhaps more so with those who had grudges against me, though). I mean I can understand some negative but not so much as to put him at the head of the bad list. Obviously, I've missed a lot.
He requested that he get red instead of green for good posts. Wanted to stand out in the crowd, I guess. Get's pissed off when he gets green.
MrBishop said:
...for amassing enough negative karma to be #4 on the least wanted list. (#2 if you count 'real users'). :p

Congratulations CS for getting on most of our nerves! Keep it coming! Maybe you'll be #1 of negative karma.
JJR512 said:
Is there a quick way to see the "list" or do you just have to go to the Members List, sort by karma, and go to the last page?
instead of going to the last page, sort by acsending values. :)
How? I click the Members List link in the dark blue bar above, then click Reputation to sort by that, but I see no way to change ascending or decending. Clicking the Reputation link doesn't change that (for me). What am I missing?
a tiny arrow tab next to reputation after you do an initial alpha by the reputation itself. It should flip the high- low to low- high.
OK, thanks. I think I saw that earlier, but my eyesight's not too good, and I just thought it was the vB icon. I need to decrease my monitor resolution, or go get some new contacts or something. Thanks!
HomeLAN said:
I've always viewed the comments as being on a par with PM's as far as sharing goes.
Do you mean as far as the receiver's privacy is concerned, or are you also concerned with the sender's privacy as well?

I only ask because it has never occurred to me, when giving karma, to worry if my comment would ever become public. But that's just me.

The argument could be made that if one is worried about what other people would think of the karma comments that one leaves for others, perhaps one shouldn't be leaving those comments in the first place. I'm not necessarily making that argument here and now; I'm just pointing it out as one possible point of view.

Perhaps if Mr. C. S. were to make a public posting of the comments, he should remove the names. Just post the comments, or post a screenshot with the names blacked out, or something. That way, nobody is associated with any comment, and nobody will get embarassed. Except Mr. C. S., that is, and I think embarassing him is actually the point, really.
MrBishop said:
I wonder if we scared him away...hasn't posted since last night Here or on C.D. :D

Crystal Scan said:
so you guys will have peace and quit for those hours

wedsday 10-3pm i have to take the bus getting home, so you might not see me util 4:30pm or later

thurs - 10-3pm ""

fri- 11-3pm

saturday 12pm-9pm

sunday 12-5pm

Do try to keep up, old boy, there's a good chap.
JJR512 said:
Do you mean as far as the receiver's privacy is concerned, or are you also concerned with the sender's privacy as well?

Yes. Both. The point is that there's no thought of those comments being public. If you wanted 'em public, you'd have posted them.
MrBishop said:
I wonder if we scared him away...hasn't posted since last night Here or on C.D. :D

He might be working.

Geez, do you not read his posts? :lol: