Congressional Meddling In Religion Violates Church-State Separation, Says Americans

You misread everything. Are you from a foreign land & your primary languange is not English?

You are getting awfully close to being forced to move along...the only personal interaction we get form you is insults. It's getting very old.
Re: Congressional Meddling In Religion Violates Church-State Separation, Says America

He seems to want to deny any evidence that runs counter to his personal claims.

Give me one good example.

I'm through talking to him, as even flavio would respond to a direct question from time to time...

I don't give out personal information, respond to personal attacks or rhetorical statements, or, match wits with half-wits.
Re: Congressional Meddling In Religion Violates Church-State Separation, Says America

You misread everything.

Such as?

Are you from a foreign land & your primary language is not English?

"..the only personal interaction we get form you is insults. It's getting very old."

You are getting awfully close to being forced to move along...

You gotta do, what you gotta do-whack-a-do.

the only personal interaction we get form you is insults. It's getting very old.

Huh? What insults?
You misread everything. Are you from a foreign land & your primary languange is not English?

You are getting awfully close to being forced to move along...the only personal interaction we get form you is insults. It's getting very old.

I didn't see him making insults more any more than you or several other people here.

Gato said:
There is a story posted here about a school teaching children about Islam, but not allowing Christianity to be taught.

I'd like to see that story myself and then see how many schools teach about christianity and not islam.
Since I was around 2nd grade...public schools are mandated to avoid teaching about Christianity unless it's specifically related to a related history lesson.

In the last 10 years or so, the Muslims have not fallen under that umbrella. Why not?
Got some stats showing more schools teaching about islam than christianity? I bet you don't.

I'd also be willing to bet far more schools teach about christianity.
You mean hand picked crap that in no way indicates anything at all about the majority of situations.

More baseless generalizations.
You are not only welcome to, you are actually encouraged, to bring forth & post news articles, adding a touch of personal opinion & reasoning for the post, that backs up your side or enagages our membership to participate.
Re: Congressional Meddling In Religion Violates Church-State Separation, Says America

Since I was around 2nd grade...public schools are mandated to avoid teaching about Christianity unless it's specifically related to a related history lesson.

Who imposed this mandate? Can you post it please. I would like to read it. Thanks. God Bless
Re: Congressional Meddling In Religion Violates Church-State Separation, Says America

Well, I guess that settles that...