Advertised - 512k up, 1mb down
Reality - 150k up 300k down
Occasionally when DLing something I will not break 15k
I hate cable
DSL = constant speed
!! :cry: no fair! I have the second fastest connection speed avaliable for home use over here, and I'm still one of the lower rungs of the connection speed heirachy Mutter Mutter Grumble Growl...
looks like 1.2 according to the test, but I'm also downloading quite a bit of stuff at the moment, so its probalby a little more. Maybe 1.5 if I wasn't using so much bandwidth during the test. I'll try it again without downloads in progress later. Thanks for the link. I was kind of curious what kind of bandwidth I had. I have to try it from work now. I'm sure its gonna make my connection at home seem like dial up by comparison though
No, I hit 1.9 ^
So its more like 50 times faster than 36k*
*At 1:00AM when there is one user on entire network[/siz]
During normal hours, Its like 600k MAX