Connection speed ? (home)

What´s the advertised speed of your connection ?? (download)

  • 56kbps yikes

    Votes: 30 100.0%
  • 64-192kbps

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 193kbps-384kbps

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 385kbps-768kbps

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 769kbps-1.5Mbps

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 1.5Mbps-4Mbps

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • More than 4Mbps :-OOOO

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I don't know my external speeds here at Uni

I do know I have 1115KBPS down most of the time when downloading. I don't know what it is rated as though.
anywhere from 1.2Mbps to 1.8 Mbps depending on time, traffic, etc

paying almost 2x as much as i did for dialup, but well worth it.
Advertised - 512k up, 1mb down
Reality - 150k up 300k down
Occasionally when DLing something I will not break 15k
I hate cable
DSL = constant speed :D
I took that test
Your raw speed was 1894556.57 bits per second
Communications 1.9m
Storage 231.3k
1MB File Download 4.4s
Rating: Fantastic

Of course it is 11:30, I am probably only person in my town online now
Worst is 4:00-6:00 PM
Mine is slow ass right now

It's less than 200kbps

That's cause like every single person is Res is prolly drunk and surfing right now :retard:
Comcast is non-committal. Up to 50x faster than dialup*

*28.8 modem[/siz]

So, about 1.5 is the max.
:eek:!! :cry: no fair! I have the second fastest connection speed avaliable for home use over here, and I'm still one of the lower rungs of the connection speed heirachy :( Mutter Mutter Grumble Growl...
looks like 1.2 according to the test, but I'm also downloading quite a bit of stuff at the moment, so its probalby a little more. Maybe 1.5 if I wasn't using so much bandwidth during the test. I'll try it again without downloads in progress later. Thanks for the link. I was kind of curious what kind of bandwidth I had. I have to try it from work now. I'm sure its gonna make my connection at home seem like dial up by comparison though :(
Gonz said:
Comcast is non-committal. Up to 50x faster than dialup*

*28.8 modem[/siz]

So, about 1.5 is the max.
No, I hit 1.9 ^
So its more like 50 times faster than 36k*
*At 1:00AM when there is one user on entire network[/siz]
During normal hours, Its like 600k MAX
128kpbs going up to 512 after christmas.

All I know is it's faster'n my old dial up. Don't ask me about mbps 'cos I'm lost. :D