Consider this...


Well-Known Member
A family of four (that's a married mommy and daddy,
and two kids, a sign of our times that I'd have to specify) is zero population growth.
And considering the fact that the guy's more homosexual than a convicted dwarf, and the girl a most possible drug addict who will mess her womb in less time than a lollipop disappears in a kinder garden, that i would say is a great hope for humanity on this planet!!!

ehh that considering a boy and a girl though...
Winky said:
A family of four (that's a married mommy and daddy,
and two kids, a sign of our times that I'd have to specify) is zero population growth.

Me & mine are going for negative numbers, allowing our illegal alien brothers & sisters time to overthrow us from the inside.
Not gonna even give us one white offspringy
to help Lord over the brown masses???
Well i got one abortion on my account... do does that count as helping you hopeless little rats to dont be trow out from ur safe nest?
piss-a-man said:
Well i got one abortion on my account... do does that count as helping you hopeless little rats to dont be trow out from ur safe nest?
