Contraception and Abortion and Sodomy!

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Saw it before...has more to do with people not wanting too many kids, or starting parenthood later in life than anything even remotely related to homosexuality, abortion or sodomy.
Yeah I guess we better start a bunch more and larger scale wars in the middle east. Spread sterilizing chemicals in the air and in their water supplies. Then we need to get more of our religious leaders to declare birth control to be the same as abortion and therefore murder! We must get with God and show the kind of Christian love that Jesus wants!

The religion is falling! The religion is falling!

And by god those who don't reproduce, well wee need to show them the love of Jesus and introduce them to their god!
Saw it before...has more to do with people not wanting too many kids, or starting parenthood later in life than anything even remotely related to homosexuality, abortion or sodomy.

Yeah, like abortion rarely ever happens. Also, sodomy contributes as well for those who prefer anal or oral intercourse.

Yeah I guess we better start a bunch more and larger scale wars in the middle east. Spread sterilizing chemicals in the air and in their water supplies. Then we need to get more of our religious leaders to declare birth control to be the same as abortion and therefore murder! We must get with God and show the kind of Christian love that Jesus wants!

The religion is falling! The religion is falling!

And by god those who don't reproduce, well wee need to show them the love of Jesus and introduce them to their god!

You can brush aside the Christian message if you want. The Christian message was not the main point of the video. Oh, and the Pill can cause an abortion before the woman even knows she is pregnant (many women do not even know that, I guess you did not know as well).
Gotholic, perhaps you should go minister to someone in need. The links I posted have NOTHING to do with anything even remotely Christian. It is an evil hate mongerer preaching hate. Probably he is as close to a Satanist as you will find anywhere. This is TRUE evil alive and well today in the name of "Jesus". He is the very wolf in sheep clothing that the bible warns about.

If you find what Steven L. Anderson is preaching to be a Christian message, I suggest you do some research and seek some counseling.

You know I have a LOT of experience with Christianity, and most likely with more flavors of it than most anybody on this board. Let me tell you a funny story....

When I was about 25, I had just gotten out of drug treatment and I was honestly and earnestly trying to stay clean and sober and mend my life and my ways. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on how you look at it, I was forced to live a short while in an evangelical Christian "recovery house". It was completely informal and run but a really nice guy who truly meant well. I encountered a few people through there who were well meaning and I believe truly spiritually connected. I encountered a much larger percentage who were as lost as they come, and many in various stages in between the two.

The church they attended was a pentecostal evangelical, hell I am not sure what all labels they subscribe to, but I think we all know the type. This church had locally televised ministries and was a multimillion if not billion dollar industry. The facility itself was at minimum a quarter of a billion dollar facility. Their slogan was "Success begins on Sunday". They expected confirmed members of the church, in addition to money given in the collection plate, were expected to tithe 10% of their gross income. They were also expected to do a minimum work commitment for the church of 8 hours per week. I was only able to stomach the place like two times. One of those times they passed the collection plates something like 4 times and had large sections of carpet that were being lowered to show how close they were to the million dollar re-carpeting project (the carpets looked fine, but they wanted more extravagant ones).

The second time I went there the pastor was going on vacation. The collection plate was sent back a second time because they wanted to “put our pastor’s vacation over the top”. This is a place where people are waving their arms during services, and speaking gibberish and calling it “tongues”. I couldn’t handle the place and several of the people living in the house couldn’t either. We had to go to some church to live there, and we found some neat ones where God was about love and not money.

Even so, I was, as I am now, involved in the AA 12 step program. Direct references to the principle of each of the 12 steps are advocated NUMEROUS times in the bible. But you see most of the other “recovering” guys there in that house said that that wasn’t “Christian” and that all they needed was Jesus. EVERY single one of those guys repeatedly relapsed on drugs and alcohol (and continued “fornicating with women or other men or children I shit you not!), and just kept repenting on Sundays only to go back to their drinking and drugging, lather, rinse repeat! I witnessed fist fights over bible studies, and the general consensus was that as long as you believe Jesus is your savior, it would be OK to do whatever the hell you want so long as you were sorry for your sins, you were locked in on the heaven express. I saw these fools run exorcisms of demons on the actual house itself after such fist fights, but somehow those pesky demons kept getting back in time for the next bible fight, er I mean study!

Meanwhile, the few of us who went to meetings and tried to do what was suggested stayed sober and were productive; though there came a time when we needed bus passes to look for work and for transportation to jobs. We asked the “Success on Sunday” church for help. We were told that we could become members and work 8 hours a week for the church and when we asked if they would be able to get a bus pass we were told, not but you would have the satisfaction of doing “the lord’s work in the lord’s church”. When we contacted Catholic Community Services (yes those bad awful Catholics), and we got bus passes and job counseling and a plethora of services to help us, just because the Catholic church is still committed to charity and doing good work. I even was given a “recovery bible”, with references to the 12 steps and their origins in the scripture. [sarcasm and irony]I was amazed at how the Catholics were so sly and evil, trying to rope us into their perversion of faith, by actually helping us![/sarcasm and irony]

So, long story short, I did meet some good people in the wacky “Success church”, but mostly a bunch of loonies who would probably kick Christ himself out of their church, and a pyramid scheme that was making those bastards rich and tax free to boot! BTW they are not supposed to tell you who to vote for lest they lose tax exempt status, and in sermons nobody was mentioned by name but it was made clear a vote for Clinton was an abomination in the eyes of god! I found a lot of good spiritually connected Catholics, practicing the love of God and doing good works. These people in the Catholic Church were happy and well adjusted, the kind of people I want to be. Most of the successful folks at “Success begins on Sunday” were only trying to assuage their guilt for dirty business practices, gluttony, obscene riches, hoarding, greed, addiction, sexual perversion, and any number of sins and dirty laundry!

So you can convince yourself of just about anything with the right combination of scriptures, but it is pretty clear where God is and where he isn’t, if your heart is actually in the right place. It has nothing to do with hatred or condemnation, or judging anyone. It has everything to do with loving your neighbor as you love yourself. It has nothing to do with being right, and everything to do with being positive and happy, and not happy through whatever you feel like but since you believe Jesus has already saved you, but happy and always trying to do the right thing. When you listen to the subtle voice of God that is within everyone, it’s not so hard, but when you scream hatred and judgment , you will surely be unable to hear it.

Yeah, like abortion rarely ever happens. Also, sodomy contributes as well for those who prefer anal or oral intercourse.

You can brush aside the Christian message if you want. The Christian message was not the main point of the video. Oh, and the Pill can cause an abortion before the woman even knows she is pregnant (many women do not even know that, I guess you did not know as well).

1) The desire for children is what this is about. Some people don't want children at all, some want only one, or one of each sex.

The use of birth control, sterilization, sodomy, oral sex, masturbation, abstinence, scheduling, withdraws, abortion etc are ways of limiting how many children a particular person wants to have. If a couple only wants 1 child and they get one...they will use the other methods to stop there. If they want 3 children, they'll stop at three etc... abortion etc are merely tools used to limit procreation to a time and number desired.

2) Yes, the pill can cause a miscarriage...though it's supposed to stop pregnancy entirely, shit happens. Both my wife and her brother are 'pill-babies'. Mind you, miscarriages happen all the time, even before a woman knows that she's pregnant. (20% of pregnancies end before the 20th week because of a combination of things including the health of the woman, her uterus, the sac, the umbilicus detaching, genetic anomalies in the fetus, the woman's auto-immune system rejecting the fetus etc etc...)

*Note: I am not referring to using herbs to cause a miscarriage. The term 'natural miscarriage' has been high jacked by herbalists.
**I know far more about the reproductive cycle and human biology in general than you give me credit for.

This video is about fear-mongering. LOOK!! Muslims are going to take over the world because they have more children than we do!!! WE MUST START HAVING MORE CHILDREN IMMEDIATELY IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE!!! THE FATE OF THE CHRISTIAN NATION IS AT HAND!!!
1) The desire for children is what this is about. Some people don't want children at all, some want only one, or one of each sex.

The use of birth control, sterilization, sodomy, oral sex, masturbation, abstinence, scheduling, withdraws, abortion etc are ways of limiting how many children a particular person wants to have. If a couple only wants 1 child and they get one...they will use the other methods to stop there. If they want 3 children, they'll stop at three etc... abortion etc are merely tools used to limit procreation to a time and number desired.

ALL AGAINST THE WILL OF GAWD YOU HEATHEN SCUM!!! Sex is for procreation, not pleasure!

2) Yes, the pill can cause a miscarriage...though it's supposed to stop pregnancy entirely, shit happens. Both my wife and her brother are 'pill-babies'. Mind you, miscarriages happen all the time, even before a woman knows that she's pregnant. (20% of pregnancies end before the 20th week because of a combination of things including the health of the woman, her uterus, the sac, the umbilicus detaching, genetic anomalies in the fetus, the woman's auto-immune system rejecting the fetus etc etc...)

Well when a miscarriage happens on it's own it's the will of GAWD, otherwise, could it be..... SATAN?!? I think so fornicator!

*Note: I am not referring to using herbs to cause a miscarriage. The term 'natural miscarriage' has been high jacked by herbalists.
**I know far more about the reproductive cycle and human biology in general than you give me credit for.

The use of natural GAWD given herbs for such evil will get you a ticket to BURN IN HELL SIN MEISTER!!! It was a trick question....Righteousness FAIL!!! Take your reward, remember Jebus loves you and then....BURN IN HELL!!!

This video is about fear-mongering. LOOK!! Muslims are going to take over the world because they have more children than we do!!! WE MUST START HAVING MORE CHILDREN IMMEDIATELY IF WE ARE TO SURVIVE!!! THE FATE OF THE CHRISTIAN NATION IS AT HAND!!!

You should fear it! Muslims all want you dead. The terrorists are just the loudest about it! It is right in the Koran! They pray for your death every day and they know they will rule the earth someday....Where will our GAWD be then?!?! Atheist (satanist), may you find Jebus or be killed brutally and painfully so you can BURN IN HELL, as the love of GAWD tells you you will!
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