Cordless keyboard woes



The Stavanger men who discovered that data input on a cordless keyboard also appeared on a neighbor's computer - supposedly far out of range in another building - have had their equipment replaced. Nothing has changed, and the manufacturer is worried.


I can just say one thing, I would be extremely surprised, startled, and worried if someone starts typing text on my computer...
Sadly, yes. My old professor said it best. The only secure computer is that which is locked in a safe, unplugged from all wiring, power supply removed. And then only if no one has the combo to the safe.
PuterTutor said:
Sadly, yes. My old professor said it best. The only secure computer is that which is locked in a safe, unplugged from all wiring, power supply removed. And then only if no one has the combo to the safe.

I have just one word to say to that - Safecracker. :D