Could Use Some Prayers And Positive Thoughts

I've added a link in my sig for accepting donations to help with the cost of his care, (thanks Cat for idea). let me know if there are any problems with the link.
OMG, this is truly heartbreaking. Chemo is hard to endure (my mom and grandma taught me that), I can't imagine what it'll be like for him. I'll keep Drew and your family in my prayers.
My brother and sisterinlaw have setup a web based information page at the hospital
you can go there for information on his progress by going to (CarePage Name: DrewKruszynski)
here is the front page news as of today...

August 25, 2006 at 10:03 PM EDT
Today is our first entry on Drew's care page. We've had a tough couple of weeks here. Drew was first admitted to Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, AFLAC Cancer Center, on Tuesday, August 15, 2006, after being sick on and off for 6 weeks. Drew's symptoms for the six weeks before he was admitted included fevers and difficulty in walking and sitting up. We took him to the doctor several times over those 6 weeks and it was difficult to determine what was wrong.

The doctors at Children's have been wonderful and persistent in determining the cause of Drew's problems. After several tests, Drew was diagnosed with Stage IV Neuroblastoma on Friday, August 18, 2006. That was the most difficult day of our life. Neuroblastoma is a cancer of the central nervous system and is a solid tumor that is found on or near the adrenal gland. Drew's tumor is no different. The tumor is referred to as the primary tumor and is on his adrenal gland near the kidney. Stage IV Neuroblastoma means that the tumor has spread to other parts of Drew's body. There are cancer cells in some of his bones and his bone marrow.

Drew's treatment will include chemotherapy, surgery to remove the tumor, stem cell transplant of his own cells, and radiation. The treatment is expected to be at least 8 months. Drew began his chemotherapy on Wednesday, August 23, 2006. He has had chemotherapy every day since. He will continue through Sunday. He is fairing well with the treatment and if all continues to go well, we will be going home on Sunday.

Bill & I really want to thank everyone for their thoughts and prayers. There are no words to express how we are touched by you. Continue to keep us in your thoughts. We will update Drew's care page as often as we can. We hope to add pictures soon.

and again, thanks for the well wishes.
children are wonderfully resiliant. it's the parent's strength that often flags first!! i will keep them all in my thoughts and prayers. i am a firm believer in miracles. and one is surely called for now!! i will go to church and light a candle and there is this book in my church. you sign in it names for those people you are offering up your prayers. they then bring the book down with the communion offering. i will place their names there and have my entire church family praying for them. ---- sending lots of love and hope
you have register at the site (make your own name and password)

I signed up but maybe you could make an OTC log in and then PM it to people if they do not want to sign up themselves?