Could you pass 8th Grade Science?


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You Passed 8th Grade Science

Congratulations, you got 7/8 correct!
Could You Pass 8th Grade Science?
You Passed 8th Grade Science


Congratulations, you got 7/8 correct!

So which one did I get wrong? :confuse3:
Grargh, you know what bugs me? The one question that I did get wrong (what does a nucleus do), I knew the answer to, I just blanked for some reason.
Do I dare trust a test with a glaring error?

'What's the electric charge of a neuron?' (vastly different from a neutron)
unclehobart said:
Do I dare trust a test with a glaring error?

'What's the electric charge of a neuron?' (vastly different from a neutron)

I saw that one too, but since there also exists neurons and the nervious system works on electricity, I thought the question could (thou improbable) be right after all.
If that were the case, then the answers would have been expressed in double digit miliamps instead of a math model of -1, 0, 1 ... which leads one to think of molecular weight and energy balance thingies.
Luis G said:
I saw that one too, but since there also exists neurons and the nervious system works on electricity, I thought the question could (thou improbable) be right after all.

Could be a typo too. I just threw a zero at it and moved on, and ended up getting 8/8.